The Rainbow Serpent

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She glanced at Bianca, their eyes meeting in shared grief and determination. Sensing that this discussion was far from over Bianca excused herself to make them some tea.

With a deep breath, Arsetti rose from the bed, her body trembling with a mix of emotions—grief, anger, and an unwavering resolve. She knew she had to act swiftly, to seek justice for the lost souls and prevent anymore—she just didn't know how.

A growing storm brewed in the skies above New Orleans, mirroring the turmoil in Setti's heart. She stood at the balcony of the LeRoux Manor, a striking figure with her chestnut curls blowing in the wind, and her cloudy hazel eyes fixed on the roiling clouds. The families of the children would be out for blood soon, and she had to not only find a way to break the news to the factions but also figure out a way to protect the remaining children.

"Setti," Fe' called from inside, his warm cinnamon eyes filled with concern. He leaned against the doorframe, his magenta and purple ombre hair contrasting starkly with his smooth sepia skin. "Baby, get your emotions in check before you fuck around and flood the city. What the hell are we going to do about this shit storm?"

She sighed and turned to face him, her gaze still distant as if searching for answers in the shadows of the room. "I know, Fe'. I just... How am I supposed to tell them something like that?"

"Sometimes there ain't no pretty words and I hate to tell you this but," Fe' said, his New Orleans accent coloring his speech. "you're the Queen Setti, so you just gonna have to find the words. MeMaw ain't raise no punk bitches, remember?"

Setti nodded, knowing Fe' was right, but fearing the consequences. As she stepped back into the dimly lit room, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this than met the eye.

"Fe', you think Bianca's right?" Setti asked hesitantly. "Could Aristides be possessing Uncle Merrick?"

Fe' pursed his lips, considering the possibility. "I wouldn't put it past that old bastard. If it is Aristides', then we're in for a whole new level of trouble."

"Trouble?" Setti echoed, her heart sinking.

"His acolytes," Fe' explained, his voice darkening, "will target the most powerful children in our community. They'll break their souls and drain them of their power, mutilate their little bodies beyond recognition, and then present their heads as an offering to Aristides—because they think his punk ass is some sort a God."

"A God?" Setti whispered, a shudder running down her spine. "MeMaw's warning makes so much sense now. Fe' we can't let that happen. We have to protect them, no matter the cost."

"Agreed," Fe' said firmly. "And I think I got an idea...but it ain't gonna be pretty or easy."

"I'll try anything if it'll help keep the children safe from these psychos," Setti took a deep breath, bracing herself for the difficult task ahead. "What's your idea?"

"A four LeRoux protection stew," Fe' stated with a shrug. Seeing Setti's confused expression he quickly explained. "We'll need four LeRouxs, some iron items to enchant, and—a way to mass distribute them to all the children."

"Alright," she said, determination written across her face. "but there's only three of us and a possibly possessed Uncle Merrick. Where's our fourth LeRoux for this—stew?"

"Actually—" interrupted Bianca with a tray carrying an antique tea set trimmed in gold and made of delicate china. She set the tray and its contents on a nearby table before coming to join them. "I think I might have an idea about that but it means doing something I haven't since we were kids."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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