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I woke up inside a dark empty room. My natural instincts were to run until I realized I was tied to a chair.


I mumbled under my breath.
My chest rises up and down nonstop out of pure panic.
Infront of me was Vesper's sister again.

"Good morning Darling"

She winks.
I wasn't surprised she survived and the others didn't.

"Let me GO!!!"

I scream at the top of my lungs in anger.

Blush spreads across her face even more, my frustration was nothing but pleasure to her.

"But I don't wannaaaa, you're so cute!!"

She giggles, skipping around me in a circle.

I tried to break free but the ropes were tight...I have no clue what kind of ropes they use in this universe but it's definitely not earthly.


She squeals like a kettle on a stove.

"You look so cute struggling to break free!"

She smiles.

"I made them niceeee and tight...just for you!"

Her cold fingertips held up my chin to look at her in her monster red ruby eyes.

"You may be fast like a vampire but, you're no where near as strong as one cutie pie. I could just tare you into pieces and gobble you all up right now."

She gets closer, her fangs showing in the light brightly. I started to shake just a little. But I was mainly angry.

I heard that familiar voice again.

"He's mine, go play with your own toys Violet"

"Ugh no fair! You always get the cuter ones! I'm telling daddyyy!!"

She scoffed then walked away
Swinging her hips from side to side.
Her sharp nails damn near cutting me. The room was quiet, the only sound was Violet's heels as she walked out the dark empty cold room.

Finally he spoke.

"Hello there"

He crosses his arms with a smile and a laugh that only an angel can imitate.

I responded with a simple

"Fuck off."

He grabs my chin and lifts it up aggressively.

"Don't make this anymore difficult Hermandez."

His eyes were a dark scary red than his usually ruby red... though as practiced, i kept my calm.

"Sooo intimidating"

Kinda wish I didn't say that. Because just as I did, he bit. My neck. Blood dripped down from my neck to my clothed stomach.

"That's all you got Ves?"

I could tell he started to become turned on...which.. I don't know why but...I loved seeing him tempered.
He bit me harder the second time.
Definitely worse than the first time..and for some reason I liked it.

"*Chuckles* you're weak."

I smiled at him, gaining a smirk in return. His eyes looked bloody red, his body turned from ice cold to steaming hot. His smile was flirtatious. Blood from my neck made its way onto his face as he went in for the third time harder than ever.
He stayed sucking longer this time.
My head starts throbbing and my throat feels dry.

"A-ah~ fuck.."

I squeezed my eyes shut.

"O-okay, you can stop n..now.."

"Not until you apologize."

He smirked than continue sucking me dry like a leech.


I had no idea how much of this shit I can take...I gave in.

"I'm...I'm sorry Vesper."

"See? That wasn't so bad"

He smiles down at me, blood dripping from his fangs and his tongue. He took his finger and scooped blood that got onto his face and licked it.

He stared at me for a minute.

"We're gonna get along well, huh Mandez"

I couldn't help but blush at his raspy voice.

"We can play another time, you look tired"

He smiles, his voice gentle this time.
He left the room and I sat there till I fell asleep.

🕸️🦇V̸a̸m̸p̸i̸r̸e̸ S̸l̸u̸t̸🦇🕸️Where stories live. Discover now