~ House Party~

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Mila's POV

'Your house parties are the best' Ginny says excitedly

'I know right, I'm just so amazing' I say flipping my hair making both of us giggle

'Can't wait for your house party' Draco says walking past me and smirking

'Can't wait to see you there' I shout back

'I know I don't like him but you two would be so cute together' Ginny says

'We're just friends' I say smiling

'Mila!' Hermione says running up to Ginny and I

'Hey girl!' I say hugging her

'So what time do you want us to be there?' Ron says

'Well, it won't take my long to decorate so like 5 ish?' I say walking into the common room

'Doe your parents know?' Harry says

'Yeah, they don't have a problem with it. They're going on holiday anyway' I say sitting down on the couch

'Hermione and I could help set up?' Ginny says

'That would be amazing. We all have a spark of decorating in us' I say smiling

'So who is all invited?' Fred and George says from behind me causing me to jump

'How many times do I need to tell you? Stop scaring me' I say sassily

'What's the point of that? It's boring' George says

'Well, the only people who are invited are people that I'm friends with' I say

'So everyone?' Harry says

'Don't get sassy Harry' I say

Everyone just chuckles

'Well, the term is over so we better get going because we need to get ready' I say getting up and walking upstairs with the girls following me

I get my trunk up on my bed and I pack everything quickly so I can go home quicker

'I'm so excited' Ginny says

'Me too' Hermione says

I get bored of packing normally so I take my wand out and use magic to do the rest

'Right, I'm ready' I say smiling

'We used magic too so let's go' Ginny says

I grab the girls hand and I apparate us to my house with our trunks

We get to my house and we quickly run in to my house with our trunks

We pop our trunks at the front door so my house elf can put them to my room

We pop our trunks at the front door so my house elf can put them to my room

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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