~ Teen Pregnancy ~

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Amelia's POV

'Harry, I need to speak to you urgently' I say storming up to him 

'Why what's wrong?' Harry says concerned 

'Can this happen some other time I want to spend time with my boyfriend' Cho says

'Cho, honestly shut up he's my fucking brother get over yourself' I say annoyed

'Right, let's just go somewhere else' Harry says dragging me away 

'You need to get her gone' I say 

'She's my girlfriend I can't' Harry says 

'Harry, I don't like her she gives me a weird vibe and I don't like it' I say 

'Just give her a chance' Harry says 

'Fine whatever' I say crossing my arms

'I don't like Draco but I've given him a chance' Harry says 

'Yeah about that-' I say nervously 

Before I can finish my sentence Harry walks off trying to find Draco 

'Harry! What are you doing?' I say running after him 

'What has he done?' Harry says getting his wand out 

'He hasn't done anything!' I say trying to catch up with him 

'Well, he's clearly done something' Harry says spotting Draco and starts running towards him 

'Harry no!' I say running faster 

'MALFOY!' Harry shouts getting Draco's attention 

'What do you want Potter' Draco says in disgust 

'What have you done to my sister' Harry says grabbing Draco by the collar and bashing him into the tree that's behind Draco 

'He hasn't done anything now put him down!' I say getting annoyed 

'Not until he admits he's done what he's done' Harry says gritting his teeth 

'Potter, I haven't done anything' Draco says 

'What are you all looking at? Don't you have other things to do!' I say to everyone who's looking which makes them go back to what they were doing 

'Harry please' I beg

'What has he done?' Harry says letting Draco go

'I'll tell both of you in private' I say 

'Wait what?' Draco says 

'Please can we just go somewhere private' I say 

'Whatever' Harry says walking off 

I start walking off not looking at anyone embarrassed at what Harry did 

'Are you ok?' Draco says running up to me 

'No, I'm scared and confused' I say walking into an empty classroom with Draco following me 

'Right, what is it?' Harry says crossing his arms 

'Both of you sit down' I say sitting down 

Both of them sit down concerned of what's wrong with me 

'Amelia, you're scaring me' Draco says 

'Don't freak out or anything but' I say but then I stop to put a silencing spell on the room so no one else hears 

'Amelia come on what's wrong' Draco says 

'I'm pregnant' I say quietly 

'What?' Harry says not hearing what I said 

'I'm pregnant!' I say finally snapping 

A few seconds go by and then I hear crashing chairs and grunts. I look up to see Harry beating the shit out of Draco 

'Oh my god, Harry stop!' I scream tears welling up in my eyes 

Draco gets the upper hand and starts punching Harry 

'Guys please!' I say crying 

'Why!' Harry screams at me 

'I didn't mean for it to happen' I say with tears running down my face 

'Just stop battering each other please' I say getting in the middle of them 

Harry couldn't stop himself in time and I got punched right in the jaw causing me to fall to the fall 

The boys stop as soon as I hit the floor both running towards me to see if I'm ok 

'Babe, are you ok?!' Draco says 

'Get off her Malfoy' Harry says 

'She's my fucking girlfriend. This is all your fault for punching her' Draco says with venom in his voice 

'You were the one that got her pregnant!' Harry shouts 

'Just stop!' I shout causing both of them to shut up 

'You battering each other isn't going to get rid of the fact that I'm pregnant' I say getting up and walking from the both of them 

'Why Amelia? You're 16' Harry says 

'It was a one time thing. We got drunk and it just happened' I say 

'How did you find out?' Draco says 

'I was constantly spewing and I've missed my last two periods. So I went to the muggle world and got a pregnancy test and it said positive' I say using magic to get ice for my jaw

'What are you going to do?' Harry says 

'I don't know Harry tell Professor Dumbledore? What makes you think I know what to do' I say sarcastically 

'My mum and dad are going to flip' Draco says putting his head in his hands 

'I'll just need to hide it' I say 

'How are you going to do that? You'll eventually start to show' Harry says 

'Well when I go into labour I'll go to a muggle hospital and I'll leave the baby with Aunt Petunia' I say 

'Like she's going to take a pure blood witch or wizard baby into her house. Look how she treated us' Harry says 

'I don't know ok! I'll need to figure something out' I say 

'We'll be here to help you' Draco says standing up and walking over to me 

'I didn't think either of you would support it' I say crying in Draco's arms 

'Of course, we'd support it. Anything you need help with we'll be there' Harry says 

The bell goes signalling that lunch is over 

'I need to get to charms' I say picking my bag up 

'We're in the charms classroom' Draco says chuckling 

'Whatever' I say smiling 

'Who else knows' Harry whispers taking the silencing spell off 

'I spoke to Hermione and Ginny about it and they were the ones that told me to tell you and Draco' I say sitting down in my seat next to Harry 

'You'll be fine Ams I promise' Harry says 

Author's note

Hey guys, so um yeah that was eventful hope you enjoyed it and remember requests are accepted! xxxxxx

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