~ Acting Like A Prick ~

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Madison's POV

'Professor Umbitch, is really getting on my nerves. How does she expect us to learn defense against the dark arts if we aren't using our wands? It's fucking stupid' I say to Hermione 

'I know there's no sense to it at all' Hermione says opening the door to the library 

We walk to our favourite table to study for our OWLS since there right around the corner. Ever since Professor Umbitch has come everything has went so bad. Professor Dumbledore's gone. Professor Trelawney nearly got sacked. 

As I get my books out of my bag someone walks into the library making me look up to see my kind of boyfriend Draco Malfoy 

I'm not speaking to him right now because he's acting like a prick and that's one thing I hate is people being pricks. You may be wondering that Draco is a prick to everyone and yes I know but I'm giving him a chance 

'There's your boo' Hermione says smirking making me roll my eyes

'We're not speaking' I say dipping my quill into ink and write things down 

'Why?' Hermione says 

'He's acting like a prick' I say 

'Mads' Draco says quietly but I pretend not to hear him 

'Madi' Draco says a little bit louder 

'What!' I say irritated 

'Woah, I was just going to ask you a question' Draco says sounding offended 

'Yeah, well you can ask me later because I'm revising' I say getting back to my revision 

'She must be on her period' I hear Theo say making me drop my quill and walk over to them angrily 

'Theo, shut up for one and two did you just come in here to annoy me? Because you have' I say 

'Draco your girlfriend's hot when she's angry' Theo says making me roll my eyes

''I'm not his girlfriend' I say folding my arms 

'Well are yous going to answer my question?' I say impaitently

'What is up with you today? You haven't been speaking to me at all' Draco says 

'Maybe it's because you're being a prick to everyone. I saw what you did to Ben' I say 

'I didn't do anything to Ben' Draco says 

'Draco don't lie to my fucking face when I saw it with my own eyes' I say walking away 

'Come on Mione, I ain't staying here anymore' I say putting everything away in my bag

'Is everything okay?' Hermione says getting up to put her stuff into her bag 

'I'll tell you later' I say giving Draco a dirty look 

Hermione puts her bag on her shoulder and we walk out of the library to go somewhere else 

Draco's POV

Why did I lie? I'm so stupid sometimes. I need to make it up to her. When she said she wasn't my girlfriend I kinda stung a bit I mean I know we aren't official yet but the way she said it made it look like she was never going to be. 

'She's hot' Theo says 

'Yeah and she's also mine' I say gritting my teeth

'Someone's protective' Theo says laughing 

'Theo shut up' Blaise says 

'What it's a joke' Theo says as I get up and walk away 

'Oi Draco' Theo shouts 

I swing the library door open and I storm out not being in the mood to speak to anyone 

'Hey Draco' A girl in second year says shyly but I ignore her 

I see Madi and Hermione in the courtyard but I decide not to go near her just so she can calm down 

I bump into Crabbe and Goyle. I internally groan because they've been doing my head in for the past week regarding Madi

'Oh hey Draco' Goyle says 

'Hi' I say stressed

'What's wrong with you? Crabbe says 

'Theo being Theo' I say 

'No shock there' Goyle says 

'So, how's you and Madi getting on?' Goyle says making me internally groan 

'We're getting on good but I need to go somewhere I'm in a rush' I say walking off towards the astrology tower because that's my thinking place 

Madison's POV

'He annoys me so much! Why lie to me when I saw it with my own eyes' I say angrily 

'I know it's weird' Hermione says 

'I think you should speak to him and get everything out' Hermione says 

'I just don't know if I can go any longer. I just want him to stop' I say sadly

'Say that to him. You can't keep these feelings in you need to get them out' Hermione says putting her hand on my shoulder supportively 

The bell goes signalling lunch is over. I have potions and my partner is Draco so I'm dreading it 

'What class do you have?' I say to Hermione

'I have Transfigration' Hermione says 

'Wanna walk with me?' I say 

'Sure I hate walking by myself' Hermione says 

'So do I' I say giggling 

Timeskip to getting to class

I get to my seat and ignore Draco whilst he tries to get my attention. I pay attention to Professor Snape explaining what potion we'll be brewing this lesson. 

'Madi, please speak to me' Draco says desperately 

I just sigh and roll my eyes 

'Not now Draco. Just wait until Professor's done' I whisper 

Draco sighs in defeat and just pays attention to Professor Snape or at least trys too.

Professor Snape finishes explaining the potion so I get up to get all of the ingredients for Draco and I. 

I head back to my seat and I place all of the ingredients on the desk and sit down 

'I'm sorry for lying. I don't know why I did it and I've apologized to Ben it was a stupid reason why I did what I did' Draco says taking some of the ingredients 

'What annoyed me the most was because one you lied and just what you did to Ben in the first place' I say 

'Yeah and I get that what I did was stupid but there was a reason behind it' Draco says 

'What was it?' I say curiously 

'He was talking about you and the things he was saying was really annoying me and that's why I hexed him' Draco says 

'What was he saying' I say noting down how and what to do 

'Just that he was going to get in your bed and make you feel things that I haven't made you feel yet' Draco says 

'Are you joking?' I say shocked 

'No Blaise was with me you can ask him' Draco says looking at me 

'He's such a pig' I say disgusted

'Wait you said yet' I say realising what Draco said 

'What?' Draco says confused 

'When you said that Ben said that he was going to make me feel things you haven't yet' I say 

'Oh well yeah' Draco says blushing

'Who says I'll let you' I say teasing him 

'We all know you love me' Draco says chuckling 

'That I do Draco Malfoy' I say smiling 

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