-⭒-A box? -⭒-

Start from the beginning

You shout back before looked back at the critters,

"I'll be back in a moment. Don't go anywhere ok?"

You started walking to the front of the house as you heard Dorothy setting her bag down on the ground and all the critters nodded watching you leave.

Once you were at the front you saw Dorothy, soaked from the still pouring rain outside. Her orange, curly (and normally poofy) hair was plastered to her head, face, and tops of her shoulders. She rubbed the remaining water off of her face with her sleeve (or at least tried to).

"Sure is some crazy weather we got, huh?"

She said with a small grin, knowing she probably looked like a soaked cat that was all skinny and sad looking.

"Y'know if you wanted me to pick you up from school and save you all the trouble of the rain, you could've asked."

You said, walking over and using your (much dryer) sleeve to rub the water off of her face gently.

"Nah, I wouldn't have wanted to bother you. Plus it's just some rain, I think I handled it pretty well."

You smiled softly, knowing Dot was always one for adventure. You wanted to tell her about the critters in the kitchen when you both heard a crash come from there.
Welp, guess there wasn't any hope in slowly explaining the situation now.

"What was that?"

Dorothy asked, leaning over to look into the kitchen past your shoulder.

"Um, well there is something I have to tell you."

You say rubbing the back of your neck nervously. Dorothy blinks at you.

"Did you get a dog or something?"

She asked standing straight again and tilting her head at you.


You say, uncertain.

"Come on. I'll just show you."

You lead her to the kitchen, and see that the box has fallen over onto its side. Most of the critters were crowding around the rabbit (who you could assume tried to jump out of the box but somehow tipped it onto its side), while the cat plush seemed to be sleeping, curled up on the table away from all the chaos. You looked over at Dorothy and saw that she was looking at the scene, trying to comprehend just what was happening.

You stepped up to the table looking over the green rabbit plush to make sure she was alright (if these guys could even get hurt) while Dorothy was still standing at the doorway.

"Are you alright Hoppy?" The chicken asked.

"Oh, so that's her name. I wonder what the other's names are."

You thought as the critters all looked up at you when they noticed you standing there.

"Are you alright?"

You asked softly, making sure not to be too loud. She nods and stands up stretching out her leg.

"Yup! Just fell over, heh."

She chuckled nervously.

"Well I'm glad you're ok."

You say before you hear Dorothy pipe up from the doorway.

"Uh mom. You care to explain what is happening?"

She asked, wringing her hands together nervously.

"I will, I promise, just come over here."

You wave her over and she looks down at the plushies on the table as they look up at her as well, returning the look of confusion she was giving them.

"Who's this, miss?"

The dog asked,

"This is my daughter, Dorothy,"

"Or just 'Dot', is fine..."

Dorothy added, almost like something she was trained to do.
She was always a bit nervous around new people. Guess that applied to new plushies as well.

"Nice to meet you, Dot!"

The dog said with a grin, as his tail wagged a bit. He seemed to be more energetic than earlier, which you were happy about.

"You haven't told us your name yet, miss,"

The red bear said, looking up at the two of you.

"Ah yes right, my name is, Y/N"

You answered smiling softly at all of them.

"Those are such Pretty names!"

She exclaimed, lacing her hands together in front of her chest. Dot chuckled a bit.

"So, Dot. I was hoping that you'd be ok with it if we let these guys stay here?"

You asked with a small smile hoping she'd be ok with it.

"Oh, really? I mean sure I guess,"

She shrugged a bit, before she added;

"But where'd you even find them? And where'd they come from?"

She asked, looking from the critters at you, with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, well, they were outside on the steps and I mean...even they aren't sure where they come from."

You answered and Dorothy sighed,

"Well they can stay here I guess, I mean I wouldn't have much of a decision, this is your house."

She said, and you hummed.

"Well if you're alright with it, I guess you all can stay here."

You say to the critters. They all look at you with stars in their eyes.


They all shout, making Dorothy jump a bit. You laugh,

"Of course."


— — —

A/N: Yippee! I've finished the first chapter! I hope it's alright. This is the first book I've ever posted and I'm not sure how it'll turn out (pacing is kinda hard for me lol-). BUT- I hope you liked the first chapter and there should be more to come soon!

An odd little family (smiling critters x mother figure reader + sister figure ocWhere stories live. Discover now