
352 7 0

Associated Names

Chēmén jíjiāng guānbì



Hè lǎo gū

Status in COO

248 Chapters (Completed)


[Unlimited Flow] [Drama Streaming] [Dark Childhood Sweetheart ] [Two-way Redemption]

The non-shuang style of writing is infinite, with no golden fingers in both Gong and Shou, and no villains who defy the will of heaven (23.4.30).

The identity of the Gong in the first copy is set in suspense. There is a love line, and the two-way rush in the later stage is sweet and a little cruel, guaranteeing HE.

University teacher Ning Chen habitually swiped his card to enter the station and get on the train. The next stop was a battle royale.

Along with the crowd, he was trapped in the most terrifying memory of this city.

Like an old hand-cranked movie player slowly starting up, this time, each of them is a person in the movie.

No action, no cut.

There are only two endings: live or die.

Only by relying on the clues in memory and escaping all murderous attempts can we get the card that can open the turnstile and ride the subway to the unknown next stop.

The subway door opens, and a terrifying copy is randomly opened...

This is a death train, full of ignorant people, heading towards unknown horrors.

Next stop, choose your way of death.

One sentence introduction: The death train has arrived. Passengers please get off the train.

MTLer's note: Happy reading with me :p

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