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     She paced round her room, Diamond felt dizzy watching her. Violet has been pacing for a good hour still with nothing good coming from it. She kept on pondering on the last meet up with Drake.
Aiden came over to Anita's home.
Knowing he is a Sin and deciding to work with her didn't make sense.

Sins were very loyal to Kerman or are they?

"A Sin against a Sin, never happened. The Sins are devoted members,D." Diamond fell hard on her bed, she was gonna faint soon if she kept watching V constantly pacing round.
"Uh huh, there's always a Judas in an organisation,V. Drake's an example." Violet's brow knotted together.

"I agree on that," Aiden added..he twirled his keys avoiding Violet.
"He can't decide to betray Parsley. He should have a valid reason. I'm gonna find out." She said determined. Aiden shook his head.
"And you think he won't? Parsley has a lot of enemies sounding him, he just doesn't know. Just be careful." Aiden mumbled.

"I feel he's dangerous. You need to stand on one toe around him. Don't loose your guard," Diamond advised her yawning. She was getting tired.

"I know that, D. He has an exquisite aura around him." Violet sat on the bed.
"Thought of the consequences if caught by Parsley?" Aiden stretched his arms. He needed a nap, V practically dragged him over. Violet glared at him.

"I'm not dense. Death, of course. You think I don't know that. Look, He wants Kerman's downfall. He's a good catch for us besides he knows his way around their empire."

Aiden and Diamond shared a brief look, seldomly arguing with her.
"Didn't think that way. That's fucken cool, babe." Aiden said with a groan.
"Still be careful," she covered her head with the duvet.

       Kerman walked into the meeting room. Drake sat beside Robert. A man dropped a bunch of files infront of Parsley.
"Report." He gestured to Drake. He glanced at Robert, cleared his throat then said,
"Miss. Freeman's home by 7pm. Weekend spent at Dreads. The security doubled. She noticed our movement, boss." Kerman leaned on his seat.

"Smart of her, I have a plan." He sat close to the table. Drake glared at him.
"Capturing Violet won't be an easy task. She's smart and self conscious. We can lay hands on her through her father."
Parsley laid out his plan, Drake raised brows at him.
That was not gonna work.

"She despises her father. A ticking bomb, that she is. Quite unpredictable." Robert reminded Parsley. Drake remained silent watching Kerman rant about his already failed plan.

"Taking her father hostage means Roy stepping into position. After all it's Mafia before Family. She'll obey," Kerman nonchalantly said with a shrug. He swiveled on his seat staring blankly at Drake. He quirked a brow at the man boring holes into his body. He found Drake's silence suspicious.

"Hudson..." He called out.
"Any contribution?"
"She'll comply with the mafia to save her father. We can strike then." Drake added, his eyes not once leaving Kerman's. Kerman felt satisfied.

He pointed out 5 people to watch the Kermans.
Drake smirked at Kerman. He walked out of the meeting before Kerman. Kerman twitched his lips, he's always stubborn.
He adjourned the meeting not until calling someone to keep an eye on Drake.

Violet shut the door behind her, it was past 10pm. Strategizing her plan took lots of energy out from her. She came in with a glass of lemon water. Dropped on the bed, took long sips.

"Having a nice time?" The glass content spilled on her nightgown. He emerged from the dark. Her heat skipped twice. She won't like to admit it but she looked forward to their meetings. Doesn't know why she trust him so much not to put a bullet through his skull.

"You startled me," she took deep breaths to calm down. He sat on the couch opposite her.

"You're never prepared. You are slow witted." He massaged his wrist with no care in the world like he didn't just insult her.
Today he wore a black turtleneck sweater and a black pant. She glanced at his crossed legs, he had a black sneakers on. The black just compliments his skin. She wondered if he loves black.
He swept his eyes over her body, it lingered on her stomach where the content spilled before he snapped his eyes to meet hers.

"Your drink spilled." He pointed out, face void of any emotion. She stood with the glass. Dropped it on the table, took out a fresh pair of night wear, matching short and top. Then disappeared into the bathroom.

"Well you caused it," she said coming out, sat on the bed.
"You barged into a ladies' room uninvited." She loved the small chat, gives her a reason to hear his voice.
"I didn't barge in, your windows were open." He defended himself.

"You snuck in. So ill mannered," she sneered at him. He massaged his temples completely avoiding her.
"Kerman struck a plan," play time's over. Drake leaned forward, uncrossed his legs.
"Go on,"

"He's gonna take you captive through your father being held hostage."
She rolled her eyes, "daffy asshole. He can have Ross for all I care." He smirked.
"We need a plan."
She still couldn't pull strings on why he decided to help.

"Why do you wanna help?" She voiced out her thoughts. Drake's smirk vanished. He got to his feet.
Not only was he snitching on the Sins but also endangering his life. What could be his reason?

Violet waited for a reply but none came. Drake strode to the window, she felt annoyed. If he kept walking away from her curiosity, then there's no future collaborations with him.

"Excuse me, I asked a question!" She raised her voice, he halt in his steps. Spun around, took steady steps till he came to a stop infront of her. He's quite tall, he hovered over her figure but she wasn't intimidated.

She bailed her hands into a fist and threw a punch across his face, he caught her hand just in time. Pulled her to the right, just then they heard a gunshot.
She closed her eyes holding him tight. He was pressed against her on the wall. She could hear his heartbeat.

Call it absurd, but she loved their close proximity.
His right hand against her on the wall and his left hand wrapped securely around her waist. His hands felt right there, she couldn't understand the feeling. Slowly opened her eyes to find him staring down at her.

She couldn't fanthom what emotion crossed his eyes. She could swear she saw a glimpse of emotion there before he switched back pretty fast you could miss it.
He stepped away, turned to leave.

"Drake...." She hated her voice for coming out raspy like she was out of breath. She didn't want him knowing how much he affected her already.
She was doomed!
And fucked!

"Thank you. Could--could you please answer my question?" She found herself pleading.
What's going on with her?
"Freeman, are you suddenly soft?" She frowned hard.

"Kerman murdered my parents before my eyes. I want revenge, are we clear?" She stared blankly at him not expecting him to spill it yet. He left her.

He didn't know why he just told her that. For all he knows she could kill him not until he kills her once he's done with her assistance.
She was just a prawn in his game. Once he has taken his revenge, he'll kill the little principessa.

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