4. It's The Little Things That Matter

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It's been 3 days since I last spoke to Trevor. The last time was when I was fucking him and he said my best friends name while he came, the nerve he had to say her name after filling ME up with his kids.

Good thing I had a Plan B pill on standby.

I actually hate him now. No, in fact I actually loath him. I despise him.

Watching my marriage fall apart has me out of words and seeing my man gradually drift away from me makes me feel as if I don't have a say in anything and I'm just trapped in a box.

I don't know who to blame or what to blame. This is not my Trevor, he used to be so loving, so compassionate and persistent. He has always struggled with mini anger outbursts but I'd tolerate them because I love him.

But now? This is a different man. I mean, 2 years ago he had a knee injury and was out for 6 months, he had to learn how to use his leg again and all, but I don't think such an old incident could cause this because at least he plays again. He's healing and still playing.

What could possibly be wrong, is it me? is it just him? I don't know what to think, what to imagine, what to expect from him anymore.

After 5 years of my loyalty to him, enduring and putting up with his shit just so he can cheat on me with Roxy? Out of all things, Roxy??

I honestly should've seen it coming.

When growing up Roxy had always felt like she didn't get noticed enough, as if all her hard work was never at its greatest. She felt like the world was working against her especially after her father abandoned her and her drug addict mother, who passed away late last year, may she rest in peace.

She always acts as if her work is hidden by my success. I've always been like a sister to her, for the fact that I showed her that she's wrong about herself and she can do so much more if she wasn't so pessimistic. I guess she took took my kindness for granted.

Roxy is an agent for professional athletes..and Trevor just happens to be one. Trevor was just a start up opportunity, we wanted to show her how much we support her.

So I guess I should've done the maths, right.

No true friend would do this. I can tell she's had clear intentions from the beginning. She took wanting to be like me seriously. If I see her, it's on sight. I need a punching bag either way.

Maybe Trevor needed someone who understands him better than me, sport wise. It's crystal clear that I wasn't enough.

I'm a real estate agent for Property28. I work from home most of the time and just go to work when I have to do a viewing or inspection of new available houses. Sales have been really slow lately, so I haven't been doing much at work.

To my surprise, I got called in today to go view a house with a new client at one of the private houses by the rich suburbs. These houses are on the other side of town, where it's cleaner and more private, with large ground area to cover and rebuild if you want, its something like plots whereby you can just buy it and do whatever.

Well, shit.

I think you can figure this one out. I'm late.

I had taken so much time trying to find a proper outfit that I completely forgot about time.

I put on a long black tight dress with a pink blazer on. Then slipped into my pink stilleto heels. I let my hair loose and don't tie it but instead I put 2 hair clips into the hair strands next to my ears to prevent my hair from covering my face.

I head down to the kitchen to grab a breakfast bar because I wasn't feeling hungry. I hadn't eaten a proper meal in the past 3 days.

I quickly grab my snack and run for the door. Time wasn't on my side.

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