And who is he?

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It's been 8 months since Cassandra appeared in Hell and people feared her like a bear loves honey. She became known as the Nightmare Demon. She murdered people in their sleep, haunted their nightmares and if they crossed her. Well, her wendigo form never went hungry to say. Ad today was another "beautiful" day in Hell. Cassandra walked down the street humming, her bird skull topped cane tapping on the ground beside her. Sinners hid, ran, hid and ran when they saw her. She stopped behind a group and looked at the TV's, where Vox was doing his show as always, and he grew twice his size on the monitor when he saw Cassandra. "And there's the tacky piece of shit who destroyed our favorite media colleague" he said, glaring at Cass from the other end of the screen."Show off." She said, scoffed and went on, stopping behind another smaller group of sinners, listening to the radio. She didn't know who this Radio Demon was, but his voice was so familiar and she couldn't shake it off. It was like a dark thought in the back of her head she couldn't get rid of. An ich she couldn't scratch. She shrugged it off and walked on. She was about to see Rosie again, catch up, talk about overlord stuff. She got quite a big turf and after she killed Velvet, well, the Vs didn't really cross her again.

~timeskip of walking and humming~

Cassandra nocked on the door. "Rosie dear friend are you hiding from me?" She said in a teasing tone. Rosie opened up. "No, dear no." She said and smiled that sharp teethed smile. "Come in come in. I hope you don't mind it if I have another guest." She added. "No, it's fine." Cassandra said and stepped into the room, putting her black coat onto the hanger. She sat down onto the couch and looked at the red deer demon in front of her. She rose an eyebrow. "Another wendigo?" She thought. "The Radio Demon, pleasure to finally meet the one torturing our sleep." He said and leaned a gloved hand towards her. "Why, pleasure is mine, Bambi." Cassandra said and shook his hand. Rosie sat down onto the fotel, crossing her legs as she sipped her tea. "So, Cassandra my dear. What brings you here?" She asked. "Nothing really." Cassandra said. She glanced at the deer demon again. He was so familiar somehow but she couldn't put her finger on it. Her thoughts stopped when he spoke and stood up. "Well my dears, I'll be going now." He said, and with that he turned into a shadow and disappeared. "Respect." Cassandra said when she saw how he just teleported away. "Manners." Rosie said and sighed. "Where are hi manners yet again?" She sighed and placed down her cup. She looked at Cassandra and smirked. "I could ask you the same." She added. Cassandra looked at Rosie and rose an eyebrow. "You were staring dear." Rosie said. "Me?" Cassandra said and scoffed. "You think he's handsome." Rosie said. "Hah, do not. It just... he's familier that's all." Cassandra said. Rosie rose an eyebrow and nodded. "Whatever you say dear." she said and sipped her tea again. Cassandra sighed in frustration. "Anyway, how was Cannibal Town doing lately?" she said changing the topic. "Oh just great." Rosie said. "Everyone's happy and satisfied. And how was my favorite and only wendigo doing?" she asked. "I'm doing fine..." Cassandra said and thinked back to how familiar that demon looked- she came back to reality when Rosie spoke again. "And the V's? Did they try to get revenge yet?" she said. "Ha, no. They're to scared to even come near my turf." Cassandra said. "That's my que to be going." Rosie said when a ding sounded. Someone entered the small shop. "Well, see you soon my dear." Rosie said and stood up, walking out of the room. Cassandra sighed and stood up putting her coat back on.


Cassandra always went onto walks in the forest. Usually just walks or hunting. This time she went hunting again. She turned into her wendigo form and creeped in the forest, hoping maybe some wayward sinner will be stupid enough to come here an become her lunch. And so it has happened. As soon as she heard footsteps, she found a group of sinners walking, chattering, probably drunk to get into her territory. 

-Gore ahead-

Cassandra went down on four paws, then lounged at the small group. Pinning one bat demon to the ground with her long clawed paws, grabbing the second with her tail. She growled and her claws difgged into the bat demons chest, leaving him dead as she then lashed at the third one, her claw stabbed into her stomach, pulling it up to her neck, she dropped into her own inners when Cassandra let her go. She ripped off her head and ate the rest short after, they the other two too.


Cassandra turned back to her human form and stretched. "Why, that was entertetaining." a staticy voice said. Cassandra jumped and turned arount to look at the red deer demon. "Oh Bambi." she said. "Aren't you afraid I'm still hungry?" she said. "I already killed a wendigo when I was alive. And I'm not afraid of your hunger dear. You're always hungry." Alastor said and went over to her leaning against his cane. "Or am I wrong?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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