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 Cassandra opened her eyes and gasped for air. Then she realized she wasn't under water anymore. "What... Where...?" She muttered and looked around. Blood covered the streets, demons/sinners rampaged, murdered, stole. *Hell. I'm in Hell.* Cassandra thought and stood up. She dusted her clothes but froze staring at her hands. They had sharp black claws on their ends, bat like paws maybe? "Creepy..." Cassandra said and put her hands through her hair just to realize she had soft fluffy... Ears on her head? "No that can't..." She went over to a store and looked at her reflection on the glass. Purple hair till her shoulders, black ending bat ears. Long clawed hands. Her skin pale grey, her eyes glowing purple with pink circular pupils and fangs. Razor sharp fangs. Her face was still freckled as it was when she lived. And the similar bullet scars on her cheeks. She pulled one finger over it. "That twerp... How could he...?" She grumbled. She didn't even realize how hungry she was until she smelled fresh blood. She fallowed the sent down the alley, just to find four zombie looking demons devour a fifth one. Her instincts snapped in and she turned into her full demon form. A wendigo. -She became one when she was still alive. She always hunted at night so people wouldn't find out. But Alastor did. And he killed her. Bastard.- she walked over to the group, her claws clicking on the ground as she walked. The cannibals gasped. "A... But that can't..." One feminine cannibal said staring at the wendigo. Two turned around and left.

(Gore ahead)

Cassandra dropped her skull deer head to a side, then lashed out at the woman, sticking her long claws into her side and ripping her head off with her sharp fangs, blood trickling down her mouth. She gulped down the sinner in one time, her arm hanging from a fang out of her mouth as she charged at the other one. He started to run but it was too late. She grabbed him with both long arms and bit his head off, eating the rest of the body short after.


"That's not nice, m'lady." A soft voice sounded. Cassandra -the wendigo she was now- turned around to look at the overlord. Tall, withe skin, hallow eyes and sharp teeth. "We here in Cannibal Town, do not accept devouring each other." She continued. Cassandra reached out a long clawed hand towards the lady. Rosie slapped the hand. "What did I just say?" She said, speaking in a tone like scolding a child. Cassandra turned back into her human form. "S-sorry miss." She muttered and wiped the blood from her mouth. "Much better. Now, will you come in? Have a coffee? Or as a tea as you prefer. What do you say Katie?" Rosie said. "I-it's Cassandra. I use Cassandra..." Cassandra said and fallowed the overlord. "Why, my mistake. Pardon me dear child." Rosie said. "So dear, let's get a hot cup of tea and something for you to wear. You can't walk on the streets in blood stained clothes. I always tell them. But do they listen? No." She went on. Cassandra just nodded silently. "I like these clothes though..." She said. "Well it won't stand. Especially for a wendigo like you. Oh how I missed having a wendigo around! It's been ages." Rosie said and with that disappeared in a room. "Uh... Sure..." Cassandra muttered and sat down onto a chair, putting a leg on the other one.

~timeskip, after a few cups of tea and a new outfit~

Cassandra stared at herself in the mirror. "Why it's really good. Thank you ma'am." She said. "It's Rosie for you dear." Rosie said. "Oh and I almost forgot." She said and came back with a deer skull, putting it on the top of my head. "There that should make others think twice before crossing you." She said and smiled, clearly satisfied with her work. "Thank you." Cassandra said not having anything else to say. "Oh don't thank, it was just a simple favor dear. Now, for a powerful sinner like you, I'm sure you'll be just fine here in Hell. And remember the rule. You cannot kill anyone of the cannibal clan, dear child. Don't forget that."

(I'm wondering what I'll ge for this)

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