So that maybe you can hear - The only words i'd ever known...

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Every night the last thing i do is pray - on paper and in words, I am speaking to God and Jesus. In my sleep i dream about God, Jesus and Angels - I speak to them in my sleep, every first thought and word in the morning is about god and jesus and I speak to them awaking and when awake, I pray for their safety and proection as soon as i awake, I then Pray before my morning tablet and liquid, I then pray before the breakfast, i then go immediately to pen and paper and the first words I write is a prayer to God and Jesus, every day and evry night exactly the same without fail. I go in the shower and I am seen to be praying. All day long I pray to god and jesus - all the books I write about god, jesus and angels of GOD, the entire case is based on my faith, Hope and Trust and Love, Worship and Honour and giving glory to god and jesus, every work i do is for God and jesus, this entire account and case fighting and revealing the truths of our sos was a command from GOD, I do Gods will and Gods work all day every day, the only time i ever shout or become angry is when god is disobeyed and my loves my lords, i, my children and those i love are hurt, i do exactly as God commands me to all day every day from exactly what i work on and write, to praying, to which coffee and milk i choose and when to put on hand cream and which one, to which cigarette i take and when to smoke, all of it God telling me what and which and when and where, i am listening to God and jesus all day and all night long, i never stop obeying god and jesus and doing gods will and work. I am an angel, i am Gods first servant, and i am choosing my own angel my love my lawyer who i have standing right infront of my now... he is my angel, and he is the owner of my accounts.... i have tried to save his life, and i hope i am. I am the loveliest of lovliest of people. I have NO FEAR at all of murder or of the very mafia and mass murder, killings, torture, rape, threats, guns and knives can be shot at me and slit my throat, i can be put into flames and drink acid and swallow bombs, and i have no fear ONLY the greatest of ultimate Faith that GOD IS, and I know and i have said: God and Jesus are saving my life ALL THE TIME, EVERY OTHER E-MAIL, I say GOD IS, I have Thank you jesus for saving me on my whattpadd account, my guardian angel says my faith has saved my life, for i know GOD is with me and no, i am not stupid or unrecognising of danger: I only KNOW and SEE GOD and JESUS ARE THE TRUTH: my Prayers state clearly every single time: MY SAVIORS and RESCUERS, will you fullfill your promises tonight? I have Prayed all my life for 30 years... hundreds of times a day, exactly the same prayers, and i am relying on God and Jesus alone: I have no antidotes, no weapons, no protection and no self defense, but I CAN SEE CLEARLY ALLAH THE LORD THE FATHER towering into the eavens and standing infront of these people and Jesus with his arms outstretched saving my life. I CAN SEE the Angels surrounding me with swords and fire, and of this have absolutely NO DOUBT, God commands, God commands that you listen to every word and believe: I do not think a bright yellow florescent piece of bread, a smokes of dinamite, cyonide or glass or lasers to cause brain damage have ANY power over MY GOD. I ask and pray for GOD adn jessu to be my miracles now. I ask of you all... to Pray.. just to Pray, now, Please, and all say: Amen.
ps. I have been posting Prayers all day long.
And please do....... Love and care about and worship God and Jesus.

ps..... all those men left the crowd last night to go to the bathroom because the whore was making them aroused. Hrmm... anyway!!!

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