first Official fight

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///In the Most boring Meeting///

Maliketh had been bored in his life many times, but this had topped all his expectations. The gods had talked about the most mundane things, some minor gods complained that others took some aspects of their domains as their own and some just had a metaphorical dick measuring contest on who had a superior diving beast.

What surprised me the most is that Susano-sama very childish was and that he always looked for an opportunity to prove his superiority. Once time he even challenged ever single divine beast to fight his, to prove that his was the strongest.

His diving beast was an ocean blue haired man with sharp facial features with a slightly tanned complexion. Atop his head were a pair of horns. He did not wear a shirt or anything that covered his upper body, he did wear a golden neckless with emeralds imbedded alongside it. He did wear a pair of teal blue shorts with a seaweed pattern that snaked its way up the sides of his shorts. His skin seemed to be constantly wet, maybe he could not exist outside of the water and had to use some kind of spell to keep his body wet.

At first Maliketh did not pay any attention to the pair of God and beast as they flexed their power and how much better they were, but they were slowly getting on his nerves as they were very loud, and he had VERY sensitive ears. He could not be happier when Amaterasu shut the two up and continued with the boring meeting.

After two hours of nonsense, she finally started talking to the Godskin Noble. "What does Izanami have to do that she sends a representative, a Shinigami no less." Her eyes, now glaring at him, priced the form of the Noble rendering him petrified. "She is currently in a meeting with different lords of death and is trying to establish more trades to further their realms." Answered Maliketh jumping in for the Noble who looked relieved.

Amaterasu's eyes seemed to harden when Maliketh spoke up without her consent as she did not ask him the question, but she let it slide. For now.

"And who would those death gods be?" She asked wanting a bit more information than just a broad term. As she spoke, her whole body leaning forward seemingly being more invested into this then she first assumed. It was a connection to a different pantheon after all that she did not know about, as a leader she had to know about this.

"I only know of Lord Hades, Lady Amaterasu-sama." Maliketh said quickly to stop the questioning. He really did not know more that he could think of right now.

"The Incest Family is connecting to different pantheons?" She questioned him with a raised eyebrow, not believing that those 'People' could have a civil conversation about politics with anyone.

"It seems that lord Hades is forging his own alliances without his family." Maliketh answered her. His face not portraying any Emotion. His eyes never lingered on Amaterasu for long, they always swerved to the love of his life and future mother of his child.

This did go unnoticed by Amaterasu, but the seaweed noticed it. He seemed livid.

After satisfying Amaterasu curiosity she sat down more relaxedly sighing in relief. "Good that its only Hades he is the least insufferable out of the bunch. I am surprised though, I thought he hatted all other denizens of the Underworld that he must share it with?" She asked curiosity practically edged onto her face.

"Well, it may be that Cerberus has found a friend in the spirit of my sword. As meetings continued Hades and Izanami have developed a sort of acquaintanceship. So, they both produced an idea that could benefit their two realms." Maliketh explained to her.

"Most intriguing." Amaterasu said while striking a thinking pose. Contamplating what he had just said. "If any news of this alliance of the dead is know I want to be informed." She stated looking directly into Maliketh's eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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