War is upon us

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She kept watching her breath hitched in her throat waiting for Percy to reply. But then Charles and Blackjack landed a few feet away from the car.

"Sup, Percy." Charles said.

"Time?" Percy asked.

Charles nodded grimly.

Rachel looked up at Charles and said, "hi."

Charles hadn't noticed her before, but when he looked in the car he noticed the faces of Lilia and Annabeth shimmering in the reflection of the window.

He gave them a weird look, but Lilia flung her arms around motioning him not to say anything.

He looked back down at Rachel as calmly as he could. "Oh, hey. You must be Rachel, Percy's told me... uh mentioned you." He said catching the fierce anger in Lilia's eyes as he spoke.

Rachel raised an eyebrow. "Really? Good." She glanced at Blackjack. "So I guess you guys have to go save the world now."

"Pretty much," Beckendorf agreed.

Percy looked at Rachel helplessly. "Would you tell my mom"

"I'll tell her. I'm sure she's used to it." He nodded his thanks.

"Good luck." Rachel kissed him, Lilia went to gasp but this time Annabeth shoved her hand over her mouth.

Percy stepped out the car, his face flushed bright red.

"Please don't tell Lili about this." He whispered.

Charles turned to see the two girls still staring in shock. "Uh yeah, no worries." He said giving Lilia a sympathetic look.

Annabeth swiped her arm through the image and they disappeared, leaving the two girls stood staring at the water fountain. Lilia's eyes swirled with angry tears.

"How could he-"

"She kissed him, I'm sure it was nothing Lil." Annabeth said desperately trying to prevent an outburst.

"Oh please, Annie." She laughed coldly. "He's spent practically the entire summer with her."

Annabeth didn't reply to that, she didn't know how else to defend the boy, it did look bad on his part.

Lilia spent the rest of the day wallowing in self pity, everyone tried to cheer her up but she just wasn't having it.

Her anger faded when the sun began to set and no one had heard from Charles of Percy. She was getting worried.

Everyone was waiting anxiously in the dinning pavilion when they heard the conch shell. Connor was on look out duty, they must be back.

There was a disarray of sighs as people let their breaths out, everyone got up ready to meet them hoping for good news.

Lilia spotted Percy and Connor a few feet away, neither of them moved, neither of them were smiling.

𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora