At Lucy's place

Lucy got back to her apartment and Tamara was watching tv.

Tamara: "Hey you're back, where's Tim?"

Lucy: "I told him to sleep at his house tonight, I need space!"

Tamara: "Why what happened?"

Lucy: "Isabel just won't leave us alone, I can't deal with it anymore, I think me and Tim should break up!"

Tamara: "What no you guys are great together!"

Lucy: "I know and I love him, but im too stressed and if we break up then maybe Isabel will leave us alone!"

Tamara: "But that's what she wants"

Lucy: "I know, I'm going to bed"

Lucy's eyes filled with tears and went to her bedroom.

At Tim's House

Tim got to his house, he opened the door and chucked his bag down.

In Tim's mind

(Why couldn't Isabel just leave us alone, now Lucy wants to break up, but I don't want to,we have a baby on the way)

They both couldn't sleep all night, thinking about if they had to break up and how difficult it would be.

It was the morning and Lucy got to work early, trying to avoid seeing Tim.

Back to Lucy

She went to Grey's office and knocked on the door.

Grey: "Come in"

Lucy walked in.

Grey: "Officer Chen what can I do for you?"

Lucy: "Can you tell Tim, im riding by myself today?"

Grey: "Erm sure have you two fallen out?"

Lucy: "Im thinking of breaking up with him after all the stuff with Isabel, and I just don't want to face that today!"

Grey: "Oh, erm sure I'll tell him, just take the low calls since your on your own!"

Lucy: "Thanks sir!"

Lucy left and set out on patrol not telling Tim.

Tim got to work 1 hour later and tried to find Lucy.

Grey: "Bradford, my office!"

Tim: "What's up sir, have you seen Lucy?"

Grey: "Ye she told me to tell you she was riding by herself today."

Tim: "What, this is all because of Isabel, she just won't leave us alone, thanks for telling me though!"

Tim left the office upset.
Isabel saw and walked over to him.

Isabel: "Hey Tim what's wrong?"

Tim ignored her and walked to his office and locked the door so she couldn't follow him. He listened to the radio waiting for Lucy.

Hours later Lucy got back to the station. She hadn't had any calls so decided to do some paperwork.

Tim left his office after being stood there for hours doing paperwork and listening to the radio.

Lucy noticed and kept her head down, she left her desk to put some paperwork away. Tim noticed and walked towards her.

Tim: "Lucy!"

Lucy turned round but kept on walking. Tim chased after her.

Tim: "Lucy wait"

She turned round to face Tim.

Tim: "Why have  you been avoiding me?"

Lucy: "Tim I can't do this right now!"

Tim: "Lucy please!"

Lucy: "Fine, look I cant deal with  anymore of this Isabel thing, so yes i have been avoiding you and it worked, Isabel hasn't come up to me once!"

Tim: "Lucy don't let her get in your head she wants us to break up, we have a baby on the way!"

Lucy: "I know and you can still see the baby, I just don't think this is going to work, I still love you but I'm breaking up with you im sorry" tears filled her eyes and she walked away.

Tim: "Lucy, please!" Tim's eyes started to tear up at hearing this...

Celina and Nolan saw Lucy crying and went over to her.

Celina: "Lucy what's wrong?"

Lucy: "I broke up with Tim"

Celina: "Why?"

Lucy: "I dont want to talk right now I need some space"   .....

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