SPOILER WARNING; review of the 12th book!!!

Start from the beginning

Friday's father's name is Rupert. Rupert. Who is Harold??? How do you even forget this??? How do you remember what random hockey team Bernie played for but not the name of a whole character??? One that was there for an entire book?? I've given him an entirely different name in my own AU and I still know his canon name.

Also all the new characters. I hate how good characters get introduced and then are left behind in each book. Such as Cassandra, Roberto, legit all of Highcrest. I can tell maybe Ms Dekker will stay since she and Quantum have something going but the rest? Bye.

Friday's family:

Where to even start bye.

Okay, so parents. Rupert is MIA, and Quasar and Orion are also MIA. So, I'll start with her mum.

The Worst Mother of the Year award goes to Evangeline Barnes!!! Fuck ass bitch. She's basically a baby in her old age. Her entire presence in the book made me groan. I didn't even like her at all, I like her more than the dad though... barely.

I liked Quantum and Halley (I like her as in her character and role. Not the actual character HATE HER)

We knew they were bad but what? The fact that they all know Friday is a detective and enjoys that and they all take it as a joke. Honestly, I do have to condemn Spratt for making them so insufferable.

The overused plot:

OH MY GOD WRAP IT UP. The continued plot of someone being arrested or kidnapped WRAP IT UP OH MY LORDDDDDDDDD and the "terrorist" plot FUCKING WRAP IT UPPPPPPPPPPPPP.

I'm actually so done with it. It's boring now. It's overused. It's in every fucking book now. I'm actually so sick of it. "OH! Fridays gonna get arrested for being a fake terrorist oh no!!!" SHUT UP.

I miss the original and interesting plots of the Highcrest era books. The writing has gotten better but the plot is so boring now. Highcrest era stories with the new writing would be peak. But seriously, the next book is going to have a 'kidnapping' plot now which is so annoying. I really do want them to just go back to the interesting plots. What do you mean we went from old headmasters turned criminals and a secret swamp yeti to the same terrorist plot for 3 books now? Are you kidding me!! I liked the whole family aspect but there should've been something else with it honestly.

Okay last one and I'll stop being negative, the pacing:

I really hated the pacing. It sucked. The whole 'main' mystery being solved mid-way through and then the most random mysteries after? The book somehow felt too slow AND too fast at the same time. Nothing added up, there was no 'big reveal'. There was no investigating either. It didn't even read like an FB book and was not done well tbh! I don't know if she was trying something new but it was weird. Also, I hardly understood anything. I wish the whole "Halley's a villain" thing was expanded on more because it was so sudden. A good example of pacing is book two. I really enjoyed how as you read you get more and more suspicious of Chris!!! It just didn't hit me in this book.

OKAY ONTO THINGS I LIKED YIPPEE. This part is a bit short.

Quantum and Halley:


Starting with Quantum, which, I am quite disappointed but with myself because if you've read my volleyball story or the stories including him and you've read the new book, the two are so widely different. Of course, Quantum has never been seen before in the series so I made it up but now I'm a bit sad. Even so, I really liked his character!! I don't know if anyone's watched Haikyuu but the best comparison is I wrote him like Oikawa or Seiko when actually he acts like Tsukishima and Kageyama. I really liked how he progressed through the book I loved his confession to Ms Dekker he's so desperate and nerdy. He's a literal loser and I love that for him?! I'm doing a re-evaluation for the Barnes siblings so I'll go more into depth for that.

Now for Halley. MAN OH MAN do I love her. That speech Bernie gave at the end about her? I ate that shit up. I see her as almost a parallel to Friday, or maybe what Friday could have become. So consumed in her work, Halley becomes absolutely heartless. (I had always pinned her as the mean one so I'm glad that came out true). I like how it seems like in the future she'll regret everything. She and her boyfriend are a mean villainous duo omg. Her being rude to Friday too? Chefs kiss but I also wanna punch her.

The first two chapters:

NO ONE IS MORE DISAPPOINTED THAN ME THAT THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS ARE NOTHING LIKE THE REST OF THE BOOK. HELLO. I won't go into too much because I've already posted about how much I like it, but it was so good</3

And lastly, Friday!!!!:



Firstly, she's grown so much!!!! Hello!!!!!! Omg!!!!! She's so in tune with her emotions!!! She's really grown and I'm so proud of her/???? She's literally so kind and sweet to everyone and they're all treating her so bad I was gonna cry. She's always been a kind person but before she used to help people for money or if she found the case interesting, now she's helping her SHIT family because she cares!!! Dare I say the most emotionally intelligent Barnes family member?? (I do because she is). She is quite literally the best girl ever and her growth was amazing to see. Her and Melanie's friendship??? Absolutely amazing except for the few times Melanie was a bit of a slag..

OKAY to conclude, this book was a real hit or miss and I'm super disappointed considering I had really high hopes because of the first two chapters and that it's the 10-year anniversary. I'll reread the book and see if I enjoy it my second time around but yeah </3 I will admit I did rush my reading a bit but we shall see.

Thats it! I know I was quite negative but honestly, I was very crushed. If you guys have anything you wanna discuss feel free!!! byeyeyeeyey

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