Chapter 44: When glory returns (3)

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After five days, Lin Yiyang scored a perfect score of 147 again.

He had the third full stroke of his career, in the same Open. The brief interval ignited the enthusiasm of the fans, including those who did not pay attention to snooker, and also brushed up one topic after another about Lin Yiyang.

In the first year of returning to the local arena, he set new records with amazing results.

Meng Xiaodong and Jiang Yang also made great progress all the way, leading the newcomers to the best results of local players in this China Open, and presented one after another wonderful moment for the Chinese audience at home.

In the end, Meng Xiaodong and Jiang Yang stopped in the semi-finals, and Lin Yiyang entered the finals.

Yin Guo thought he could make it to the finals, but the 9-Ball Association temporarily decided to extend the training time. In other words, this time Lin Yiyang returned to the motherland for the first open competition, and she missed the whole process.

On the day of the final, the training camp was over.

Yin Guo didn't have time to go home. After the mobilization meeting of the World Championships, he was about to fly to the US Open.

She sat in the first row, facing the leaders of the Sports Bureau, one of them was her own mother, she really didn't dare to do any extra moves, and she couldn't see the time...

The heart has been hanging, hanging high.

After the leader's speech, everyone stood up and applauded. Yin Guo stood up immediately and drummed more vigorously than anyone else. No one present was looking forward to the end of the mobilization meeting more than her.

"Okay, everyone, let's disband and go to rest," the kind-faced association president told everyone, "a lot of people are going to the airport in the afternoon, so I won't say more."

The crowd disbanded.

Yin Guo saw that her mother didn't have time to pay attention to herself. She walked out of the crowd and walked quickly. As soon as she went out, she ran up the stairs directly to the first floor, and took out her mobile phone as she ran.

There is no need to swipe the web page at all, WeChat explodes directly.

Everyone was sending messages to her, including Zheng Yi and her cousin Meng Xiaotian, but she didn't dare to click on any of them.

The window on the second floor was open, and the wind was blowing on her face, but it couldn't dissipate the heat on her cheeks.

Suddenly, a new message popped up.

Lin: No congratulations to me?

The heart contracted violently.

She covered her mouth, tears of joy rushing out of her eyes, and without a second, they all rushed out and flowed into her fingers. He won the championship, Lin Yiyang won the championship, he won the China Open Championship!

Yin Guo was afraid of being seen and heard by the leaders passing by on the first floor, so he hid by the wall and pressed his right shoulder against the wall, trying to control his emotions. At the moment when the leaders downstairs walked out of the gate with a smile, Lin Yiyang sent a WeChat message again.

Lin: I miss you.

She held the phone and cried like a fool. After winning the championship, after lifting the trophy, he was talking about missing her.

This is more moving than any provocative sentence.

This big idiot never knew how to be emotional, and he always used the most simple, sincere words and things to let you know how much he cares about you.

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