Chapter 7: The world under the snow (3)

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Some of the pedestrians on both sides held umbrellas, and some walked in a hurry. Only Lin Yiyang and her walked in a hurry. Lin Yiyang was very familiar with the neighborhood here, turned left, walked to the sidewalk of a small road, and pulled Yin Guo to his right.

There is a string of apartments to the left of the two of them, and each apartment has a downward staircase leading to the basement. On snowy days, the steps are covered with snow and cannot be seen clearly. If you get too close, it is easy to fall.

So he still walks on the left side, which is safer.

Of course, Yin Guo didn't understand his intentions at all.

She just thought that Lin Yiyang must have a certain obsessive-compulsive disorder when walking, sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right, weird...


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After another turn, I saw the narrow stairs of the subway entrance.

She stomped the snow on the bottom of her feet and followed Lin Yiyang down.

On the steps, there was a row of wet footprints left by Lin Yiyang, and then she added a row. Lin Yiyang deliberately stopped in front of the bottom step and waited for her. There were three homeless people lying in the subway station, each found a sheltered corner to sleep, and one of them slept next to the ticket machine.

Yin Guo took out his credit card from his wallet and wanted to go to the vending machine to insert the card to buy a ticket, so he politely took two steps away.

"Follow me," Lin Yiyang said behind him, "the car is coming."

Inside the station, the subway roared into the station with the noise of rolling over the tracks.

The New York subway is capricious, and it's too late to buy a ticket if you can catch a trip on a snowy day. He pulled Yin Guo away from the ticket machine, sent it into the ticket gate, and swiped his subway card.

Immediately after, he swiped again and entered the station himself.

Before Yin Guo could see what the platform looked like, he had already been pushed into the carriage.

The door closed behind him.

She looked around, and it was the worst kind of carriage.

No air conditioning, no electronic display, and I don't know if the car speakers are good or not...

No one yet?

She and Lin Yiyang were the only ones in the entire carriage, and there were two rows of empty orange seats waiting for them. You could sit anywhere. Yin Guo pointed to a seat, saw that Lin Yiyang had no objection, and sat down next to the door.

Lin Yiyang sat beside her, took off the club barrel, and stood beside his legs.

It was the only thing he was holding, and it belonged to her. Speaking of which, this man really didn't bring anything except his mobile phone and wallet, so he went to Flushing to gamble on a game, which was really casual.

The soles of the two of them still had bits of snow remaining, and they stepped on a pool of water on the floor of the carriage.

There is no signal in the subway cars, no internet access, and nothing to kill time. There was no scenery outside the carriage, it was dark, only the sound of driving filled the empty carriage.

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