Chapter One

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Azalea woke up to the sound of her obnoxious alarm clock ringing at the crack of dawn, and wearily turned to her side, quickly hitting the 'Stop' button on her phone screen. She groaned as she sat up, and rubbed her mascara covered eyes. She looked down at her phone on her nightstand, and the time read 5:30 AM. Without wasting any time, she hopped out of bed.

    She was practically asleep as she slid across the floor to the bathroom on the other side of the hall. She makes it to the restroom as she turns the light on, squinting at the sudden change of brightness. She groaned, and almost jumped at the sight of
herself. Her eyes were covered in eyeliner. She must've forgotten to clean it before going to bed.. Again.

    She washed her face and brushed her dirty blonde hair, and decided brushing her teeth wasn't necessary today. Once she finally finished, she made her way back to her room, grabbing a T-shirt far too big for her and some jeans to wear to school, what the average 17 year old would wear. Azalea gazed over at her phone. It was only 6 AM. She still had 30 minutes until her bus came. She sat on her bed and grabbed her phone.

    She scrolled through her instagram, sighing. Nothing's new. She wondered if anything really happened in this shitty town she was locked up in. The town of Bramblewood. It was those towns where the meetup spot for teens was the grocery store.

Not like she knew, she didn't go out. She spent her days rotting in her room at any opportunity she could. She swiped on her phone, mindlessly liking her mutuals' posts, no matter what it was.

The cold wind from outside whistled against her closed window. She could've sworn she felt the breeze, but it was just her house creaking. Before she knew it, it was 6:22 A.M, and she made her way to the front door.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Feb 29 ⏰

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