Chapter 2

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It just makes you think if you've been single for many years, well we know that it's hard to find a girlfriend now, as someone who doubts about life because he's 30 years old so I'll just allow myself for this.

I came home from Starbucks, tired from work, all this time I deserve a break, as I requested also from my boss, and he agreed that it's different if they support you.

I search for my destination, but it's hard because I rush to an island.

Solo Traveller is now called for sure, I want to go to the Pinterest-like design. Of course, what we are looking for is a fancy and nice background at all times.

I'm trying to get its vibes, especially on food, cooking, travelling, and everything that makes my mood better.

How is it possible if I have a girlfriend? Girlfriend is the issue here, not the money. Even though I'm 27 years old, I also want a girlfriend.

A lot of people say that I'm getting old, and they offend. You're just going to get annoyed. You'll find ways to avoid gossip.

I will try to ask, but it is difficult to answer without certainty.

I looked at my schedule on my laptop while waiting for the dinner that I had delivered. I only deliver sometimes, sometimes I don't want to because it's hard to choose more when cooking.

After a few minutes, my order was there, sometimes I miss being a child, but I don't want to go back there, it's too hard for me.

After I found a job, I only made investments, and now I am also one of the co-alliance of many companies, so my connection with others is easy.

I've eaten and later I'll get ready for my things to take on my vacation, I'm alone again, it's boring without a girlfriend.

While I was preparing, mom called,

"Son, can you visit here at home? Just a family occasion. "

"When is it, mom?"

"This upcoming next week"

"Is dad coming, mom?"

"I think not son, you know your dad has another family,"

"If that's the case, there's no reason to go back, I can't hate dad, but what he was doing before, I would spite if he didn't find another woman in Italy besides you,"

"Son, forget it, it was a long time ago,"

"Mom, not just, I still remember what dad did to you, I can forgive him mom, but at the right time."


"Don't push me mom please, I've accepted for a long time that he's gone, he didn't do anything but let you down, give you headaches, it turns out that dad just made you a rebound, yes it's true mom you were the first love but he chose true love more."

"Son, move on, let your dad do it,"

"I'll try mom, but I can't promise to come with you this upcoming next week, I might be busy,"

"Sure, son, just update me,"

"Okay, mom,"

I cut the call, it's been quite a while since all that happened, I was only 6 years old when dad left mom for a girl, I know that he doesn't think mom is the one for him, it just hurts mom is his real and first wife but I don't know about my father what got into his cock and he did that.

But I don't want to be like my useless father because he is not the type of person that I will be famous for the rest of my life.

My life will be miserable, but I don't want to make my future girlfriend suffer that.

A night would be a trouble once you try to ruin the day. Posted. 9:47 p.m.

I posted on Instagram and went straight to the end to go to sleep, I'll be preparing a lot this next day for my new events in life.

I was surprised when my friend sent me a message

"Bro, let's bar," he chatted

"You guys, next time, I'm walking with someone,"

"Alright Bro"

I'm not the person you'd expect from everyone on a trip, especially at the Bar, even if it's not my habit, even if I die or not, I'm not sure that I'm at least responsible for what other people think.

A lot of chances were given off, but it resulted in tragedy. I wish you to put it back, but you choose another woman, not my mom.

Way back when I was 6 years old, Grade 1 exactly, I noticed it was really absurd to my dad. He always confronted mom, letting my mom hurt by his own words, shouting aggressively.


"Raphael, you know we have children, but what are you doing? You always give excuses to your children, remember Raphael, you are their father," Mom shouted

"They are my children, but the point here is that we, the two of us, are not happy anymore."

"So you already have a hookup? You didn't even manage to flirt with your girls while we, your children, were there for you, it's hard for you to understand Raphael, I did fall in love but not with the right person."

"What if I have a hookup and I'm happy there, can you do something? They are just my children, but when it comes to you, it hurts. "

"Why, dad? Of all the people who cheat, you are the one who cheats!" Kuya Oliver shouted

"Step out of these issues, son."

"No, you stop! Not only did you hurt mom, but it seems like you don't even have the things you two shared together. "

"Oliver, that's right! Don't get involved in our mess with your mom. Get out of here, do you understand?!"

"You know what, I hate you being a dad. You shouldn't be my dad. My only wish is that one time you will regret all your decisions that you left us. Now get out of this house and never come back again!"

Flashback end

What all I can say is that mom is the purest. She even forgives my dad. I want to take revenge on my dad now that I'm old to prove to him that me and my brother and I can do it without him. Mom was so proud to be there for us, but in our lives, he always pretends that he can't come. Obviously, he set it all up.

We have a half-sister, but I don't really like the attitude of that girl. She came to our life just to tell different things that my mom betrayed dad, which I don't tolerate on her.

After she did that to our family, we won't need a father in our house.

I'm not also stupid enough to prove that her daughter has bipolar disorder. We must talk with my brother about something that we wouldn't like her to negotiate on those belongings we have, and suddenly, why do we need to prove them?

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