can we meet to talk about this ......

Actually I thought about it and feel like something is wrong so i want to talk about it 😟😟 hope you come 😟

Pete.............. Thanks god he feel he shouldn't call himself like that .....

Nop...... Sir I told you ... Way is just little upset ... And you have to be patient with him when you talk because today you really scared him out .......

Pete................ Yes you're right .....

On text .........

Okay let's meet .....
Where you want me to come ??


With way and Dean ......

Way............... Now where should i call him ???

Dean...... Tell him wherever he want to meet ......

Way................. Okay ......

On text ...........

Okay let's meet .....
Where you want me to come ??
Wherever you want to meet ......

So what about you come to my office tomorrow ??
I will tell Alan to send you with contract documents file for other details .........


Way............... To his office ??

Dean........ Done .....

Way................. But why in office ... We can meet in any cafe or restaurant ....

Dean......... P'way you both have to talk than place doesn't matter to where you both talk ...

Way................. Okay ......

On text ...........

Okay I will come .....

Good ..... Let's meet tomorrow than ....
Good night 🖤 .......

Dean....... Wooo black heart ?? Who sent black heart ??

Way................. He's just obsessed with black colour .....

Dean........ You getting to know him better ......

Way................. Ooii it's late go sleep....

Dean....... Okay good luck for tomorrow and good night for now .....

Way.................. Dean .... Hope it will stay between us .....

Dean....... I know it's little hard to trust me but please p'way try to trust me ....

Way................... I do ... Good night ..... And thank you for giving me right idea .......

Dean....... It's all my pleasure ......

Then way and Dean went to sleep ...

With Charlie babe ...........

Babe......... Charlie here i buy this for you ....  See you going to love it ......
Charlie I'm talking to you .... what happen??

Charlie....... And I'm not talking to you can't you see .......

Babe......... That's what I'm asking what happened ??

Charlie....... Okay  fine ..... Babe I'm sick of yours and way's friendship ..... I don't like when you leave me for him ......

Babe......... ( Get angry but still said calmly ) and when I leave you to go with him other than today ??

Charlie get quite and didn't answer because he know it was first time when both babe and way went out without him and any team members ........

Babe....... You know what ..... You are getting sick but not because of me or way but because of your own self .... From when you start acting like old married man who don't like his man or woman to even talk to others ...... And Charlie just see the gift I bought for you ..... And yes it's was way's idea of this he said seeing this you going to be very happy ........

Babe said and left from there to his room to sleep and also he lock the door leaving Charlie to sleep in other room ..... While Charlie take the bag and takeout two couples T.shirt with his and babe's name on it and seeing this Charlie really feel bad but still somewhere in his HEAD he still think that way is still trying to take babe away from him .... Charlie knock on door but babe didn't open it so he understand that babe is angry so he went to other room ............

In morning Charlie make breakfast and soon saw babe coming out so he went to him but babe didn't look at him and went out ........

Charlie......... Babe bre ( but babe left without looking at him ) .......... If you not trying to break us apart than what is this way ??

Charlie leave everything there and also went to garage ........

In kenta Kim home .........

Kim....... So today you going there ??

Kenta....... Yes .... Please baby pray that he like my project .....

Kim........ He will for sure you work really hard for this ......

Kenta....... If you say than now I'm sure i going to get it ....... Okay I'm leaving you go to garage and than call me ....

Kim....... Okay bye .... Good luck hubby

* Guys thank you so much for your support ...........

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