
Addison and Sera are with the premature baby. The baby is holding onto Sera's finger.

„The baby has a good grip." Izzie comes in and observes.

The blonde interns gives them the lab results of the baby. The antibiotics hadn't work.

„You should transfer to another case, the baby is too far gone." Addison suggested.

„But she does have a good grip." the red head adds.


Meanwhile Burke and Christina are in the O.R. Burke is operating on Mr. Geston. She had been in pain the whole time but didn't mind it. She shrugged it off.

Now she seems in more pain. Burke watches her and calls her name a few times.

She looks dizzy and about to faint but Burke just thinks she's day dreaming. Christina apologies though Burke continues to glance at her.

A little after that Christina's pain increases. She can't even conceive anymore. Burke asks her questions about the surgery but she has problems answering them.

„Do your homework." he tells her.

Suddenly Christina collapses on the floor.



„Can someone help?"

Izzie and Bailey who are sat in the gallery quickly walk out to help.

Burke keeps calling Christina by her first name. He also continues to yell at the people to help her and bring a gurney.

„We've got it." Bailey and Izzie walk inside.

Burks and Bailey for an update after Christina is stabilised.


Richard, Addison and Seraphina are walking next to each other.

„I'm going to leave tomorrow morning." Addison announces to Richard.

„I don't want you to leave." Richard says as they all walk inside his office.

„What about the baby?" he is referring to the Premature Baby.

„I'm letting her go."

"He calls me Satan, Richard...He wins. I'm leaving in the morning." The red head adds.

George knocks on the door wanting to talk to the chief.

Turns out that Ellis grey may have cancer too. But Webber orders an biopsy first, to be really sure.

„Dr. Montgomery, Dr. Shepherd. I need you right now." Izzie walks by and asks for Addison and Sera.

Izzie doesn't want to tell her what happened in front of the chief but she has to.

„But why are we needed?" Addison asks the blonde.

„Christina's pregnant?!" George

„Shut up. Now can you come?"

They all leave to help.

Bailey, Addison and Sera are with Christina. Christina goes in and out of consciousness.

„Should we call anyone?" Sera asks while Addison sees that the intern had a extra-uterine pregnancy. Her fallopian tube bursts which makes her bleed out.


The surgeon's including Izzie we're operating on Christina.

„Is she going to be okay?"

„How attached is she to the pregnancy?" Addison isn't sure if the baby is going to survive.

„I don't know." Christina is a closed person. She doesn't share too much.

Addison looks to Bailey and asks if she doesn't have a surgery to go to.

"No, I'm fine right here." She replies while stroking the interns hair gently.

Addison and Sera ended the operation. They couldn't save Christina's baby but Christina.

They enter the washing room.
Addison and Seraphina rip their masks off.

They begin washing their hands.

„She didn't knew." sera breaks the silence.


„She didn't knew about the extra-uterine pregnancy. So it wasn't your fault."

„I know. But I wish we could've save her."

Sera goes and hugs her sister in law.


Meredith and Alex are walking next to each other.

„I still think it's nuts having major surgery just so people can't tell how you're feeling." He says out of the blue, referring to their case from before.

The girl blushed uncontrollably but Derek could treat her.

„Really? You do?" She was surprised to hear that.

„Nah, I guess not. You could talk, you know, I mean if you need to."

„I'm fine." the blonde replied.

„You've said that word so many times today it doesn't even sound like a word anymore. I'm just saying you can talk to me cause, you know, even if I repeat every word you say no one around here likes me. They'll just call me a liar and move on."

„Izzie likes you."

Alex smiles cheekily. He likes Izzie as well.

„You're blushing." Meredith chuckles as she comments.

„Shut up." Alex tells her off. Both smile.

„Look, for what it's worth I don't know how you're still on your feet. If I found out my mom might have cancer I'd be under the bar right now."

„You want the ugly truth?" Mer asks him honest.

„What? You have an ugly truth? I never would've picked you to have an ugly truth."

„I'm more afraid she doesn't have cancer." She had thought about that the whole time.

„Well, liver cancer's fast. Painful but it's fast and they give you morphine. They don't give you morphine for alzheimer's."

„No. They don't. What kind of person wishes their mother had cancer?" Both interns look at one another.


The inters are around Christina's bed. They are watching her sleep. Burke looks inside, he wanted to go in. He stops in the hallway. He walks away feeling that she might want to wake up with friends by her side.


Authors Note:

Finally published. Sorry for that late post. I was sick these couple of days. I'll try to post as soon as possible!

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