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Yaszy Russo

My eyes fluttered open slowly when I felt something touch my arm and once my vision cleared up, I saw Luciano hooking up another bag of fluids to my iv.

"Good morning, love. Your brothers will be back soon, until then why don't we put some food in your tummy." He said, I nodded my head weakly.

He walked to the other side of the bed and pushed a button on the feeding machine, I watched the food travel through the feeding tube. "I ordered a tablet that you can use to communicate with us and it'll be delivered tomorrow." He said, I nodded my head again.

I heard multiple footsteps walking into the room and I turned my head to my brothers. "Look who's awake." Raffaele said, I smiled weakly.

I noticed Lucifer was holding a purple teddy bear while Elio and Bruno were holding vases with purple flowers inside.

Lucifer walked over to me and handed me the teddy bear which I weakly grabbed out of his hands.

"Purple has been your color since you were born. Every time we put anything pink near you would cry so, we tried purple and it seemed to calm you down immediately." Lucifer said, I smiled weakly again.

Raffaele walked over, sat down in the chair and placed the teddy bear beside me then grabbed my hand. "How is she doing with the feeding tube?" He asked Luciano.

"I'm injecting it into her stomach slowly and she's been doing good with it so far." Luciano told him and Raffaele nodded his head, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Bruno and Elio are going to stay with her while Lucifer and I go to the office." Raffaele said and Luciano nodded his head.

Raffaele and Lucifer kissed my cheek before walking out of the room, Elio sat where Raffaele was sitting and grabbed my hand.

"Hi, fiorellino." He said making my eyebrows to furrow in confusion, which caused him to chuckle lightly.

"It means little flower in Italian." He said making me nod my head.


Third Person

Bruno walked over to the couch and laid down which made Elio chuckle because he was all night watching the door in case someone walked in.

Elio stood up from the chair and grabbed the remote for the television then turned it on, placed something on for them to watch.

He turned to see that two and a half men had her attention which made him chuckle then sit back down in the chair beside her, grabbed her hand.

The two siblings along with Luciano was watching two and a half men while Bruno was quietly snoozing on the couch.

The feeding machine started beeping and Luciano turned it off, unhooked it from the tube in her stomach then he covered her stomach back up with the blanket.

"Once Raffaele gets back from the meeting, you can tell him that she handed the feeding good." Luciano said, Elio nodded his head and squeezed his sister's hand lightly.

He looked over to see her focused on two and a half men. He stood up from the chair and carefully laid beside her, which caused her to look at him.

"Is it alright if I lay here with you?" Elio asked and she nodded her head slightly. Elio placed a kiss on the side of her head which made a small smile form on her face.

Some time has passed since Raffaele and Lucifer left the hospital, they arrived back at the hospital and walked to their little sister's room.

They walked in to see Bruno asleep and in the bed sleeping were Elio and Yaszy. Luciano walked over to the two and stood with them by the door.

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