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"Are you sure, he said that?" Jin asked to the male sitting infront of him

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"Are you sure, he said that?" Jin asked to the male sitting infront of him. The other nodded his head, "100% sure Jin Hyung. After talking about it, he slipped in little space, which clearly told me he isn't lying and he is stressed about it"

"Thanks for informing me Joon, I will make sure to talk with Mom and Dad about this" Jin said. Namjoon nodded his head with a smile and said, "Okay Hyung. I have to go now. I will come later" he stood up. Jin nodded his head and gave a hug to the younger before he left.

Jin sighed and sat on the couch. "What are you gonna do now?" A voice said making Jin flinch. He looked at his side and saw Hoseok sitting with his laptop on his lap.

"Since when are you sitting you here?" Jin asked turning towards his PA.

Hoseok glanced up from his laptop, "I've been here for a while, just catching up on some work. But it seems like you've got something on your mind."

Jin sighed again, "Yeah, Namjoon just informed me about the matter with Mom and Dad. I need to address it with them."

Hoseok closed his laptop, "Do you want any help? I can rearrange your schedule if needed."

Jin appreciated the offer, "Thanks, Hobie. I'll handle it for now, but I might need your assistance later. Let's see how the conversation goes with my parents."

Hoseok nodded, "Alright, Hyung. Just let me know if you need anything." He then resumed working on his laptop as Jin pondered over the upcoming family discussion.

After a moment of contemplation, Jin decided to reach out to his parents. He grabbed his phone and dialed his mom's number.

"Hello, Jin?" his mother answered.

"Hi, Mom. Can we have a family meeting later today? There's something important I'd like to discuss," Jin said, his tone serious.

His mother sensed the urgency, "Of course, Son. Is everything okay?"

"I'll explain when we're all together. Please, let Dad know as well. It's crucial," Jin replied, concern evident in his voice.

"Alright, we'll be there. Take care, dear," his mom reassured him.

Jin hung up, his thoughts swirling. Hoseok looked up, sensing the tension. "Need anything, Hyung?"

"Just moral support for now, Hobie. Thanks," Jin said, appreciating the presence of his reliable PA more friend. As he awaited the family meeting, Jin braced himself for the difficult conversation ahead.

Later that evening, the family gathered in the living room. (Yoongi was at Jimin and Hobi's house) Jin, seated at the head of the table, cleared his throat before addressing his parents.

"I called this meeting because there's something important we need to discuss," Jin began, locking eyes with his mom and dad. "Namjoon brought it to my attention that there might be some issues causing stress."

His dad looked concerned, "What is it, Jin?"

Taking a deep breath, Jin shared the details Namjoon had revealed. As he spoke, he observed the range of emotions on his parents' faces – surprise, worry, and eventually anger.

His mom spoke first, "So, what? Jin son, he isn't even that good for our family. You are the one who brought us fame not that useless person who is just living on your money and doing nothing"

Jin looked shooked hearing this, "Mom!! Are you even listening yourself!! He is your son!! How can you say such disgusting words to him?"

He heard his Dad scoff at his words. His dad looked at him and said, "You are our son Jin. He is just a worthless piece of shit who does nothing and live on your money-"

Before he could complete, Jin stood up and yelled, "Dad!! Be in your limits!! You are my father doesn't mean I will listen you speak rubbish about my brother!!"

His outburst echoed through the room, tension thickening.

Jin, trying to keep his composure, continued, "We are a family, and we should support each other, especially in difficult times. Yoongi may be struggling, but that doesn't diminish his worth."

His mother's expression remained hardened, and his father seemed unyielding. "Jin, we've seen enough of what that Yoongi is like. He's not good for our family's reputation."

Jin stood firm, "He's my brother!! And I won't let you talk about him like that. We need to understand his perspective and find a way to help him, not push him away."

His father scoffed, "You're letting sentiment cloud your judgment, Jin. We've always supported you, not him."

Jin's frustration boiled over, "Family is supposed to support each other, not tear each other down. I won't let you continue this way."

The room fell silent, the air thick with unresolved tension. Jin, determined to stand up for his brother, awaited a response from his parents.

When he didn't recieved any answer, he just sat back on the couch rolling his eyes. "It's useless talking to you both. You know what, I beg you. Leave before he come back. And come back when you can love him the same as you love me"

His parents rolled their eyes and stood up leaving the house. Jin sighed.

>>> Whatever Yoongs is told Namjoon was true. Why couldn't I see their hate before? I guess they are half of the reason why my Yoongs is dealing with depression now!!

>>> But no worries. Now I know and now I will not let them come near my brother. I will protect at him at all cost.

Jin thought to himself in his mind. Just then his phone rang. He picked it up and saw it a video call from Yoongi. He immediately sat straight and a smile automatically came on his face as he as he picked up the call.

Hey Moonlights

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