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"Are you planning on standing here the whole time?" Yoongi flinched hearing the sudden voice

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"Are you planning on standing here the whole time?" Yoongi flinched hearing the sudden voice. He turned around to see Professor Kim standing infront of him.

Yoongi stuttered a bit, "Uh, no, Mr. Kim. I, um, you asked me to come."

Namjoon nodded, gesturing for Yoongi to enter the cabin. As Yoongi stepped inside, the atmosphere felt tense. Namjoon took a seat behind his desk, motioning for Yoongi to sit.

 Namjoon took a seat behind his desk, motioning for Yoongi to sit

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"Yoongi," He started and Yoongi immediately looked at him. "What's going on with up now a days? You are getting low marks in almost every subject, your grades are getting down, you sometimes don't even pay attention to what is happening in the class, just like today!! What should I do? Should I call Aunt Kim and tell everything to her and Uncle? Huh?!" Namjoon said in angry tone.

Yoongi looked at his lap and shooked his head. "Please no Namjoon Hyung. If you tell them, they will be diasp-- I mean they will scold me" Yoongi said in a very low tone.

He looked at Namjoon and continued "I didn't actually studied for the test. I was with Jin Hyung the whole day yesterday. And I also didn't quite got the chapter. But I promise, I'll learn if and score good marks. I really promise. Please Just give me one more chance and Just don't call Mom or Dad"

Namjoon sighed and said "Yoongi, just because we are Cousins doesn't mean I'll let you go everytime. Aunt Kim told me to tell her whatever happens in Uni and how well you are performing. And I can't disobey her, you know that too. Right?"

Yoongi looked at him with teary eyes which were holding his tears. He nodded his head and looked down. There was now pure silence in the room. Namjoon wanted to say something, but stopped when he heard a sobbing sound. He looked at Yoongi and saw him wiping his eyes with the hem of his sweater.

>>> Yoongi is crying?

Namjoon thought to himself a little surprise. He never saw Yoongi like this. The only person whom Yoongi have shown his weak side is his Jin Hyung and Jimin.

Namjoon stood up from his chair and came infront of Yoongi. He held his arms in his own softly and said. "Yoongs, is there something that's bothering you? You know you can tell me. I am also your elder brother. Right?"

Yoongi nodded his head while playing with his fingers. "What is it bub? Tell me" Yoongi looked at Namjoon and said "H...Hyung Mom and Dad don't love me.... they always scold me.... they tell me I am burden on them.... I am disappointment... a disgrace to our family and I should just die-" Before Yoongi could complete his sentence Namjoon kept his finger on mouth.

Yoongi looked at him, and saw Namjoon shaking his head. "Never say anything like that from your mouth Yoongs. You are so precious for us. You are not disappointment or disgrace. Aunt and Uncle must be stressed and must have said all those things to you"
Namjoon said.

To his surprise, Yoongi shooked his head. He wiped his tears and said "Everytime.... everytime I see them, they say the same. They talk s...sweetly with Jin Hyungie, and tell me all this words. Is this all also because of stress?"

Namjoon was now lost deep in his thoughts. He never thought his Uncle and Aunt would do something like that. Poor him, he don't even know it's not even 1% of what they say to Yoongi.

Yoongi wiped his tears with both his hands and said "Namjoon Hyung, I beg you. Please don't tell them. I don't want them to be more disappointed in me. If you want you give me any punishment just don't tell them. I bet you, please don't" Yoongi joined both his hands together and looked at Namjoon with a pleasing face.

Namjoon held his hands in his own and said "Yoongi, I am you brother. Don't say words like beg infront of me. And don't worry, I won't tell Aunt and Uncle. Not now and never. If they think of you as that they have no rights to know anything about your life" He said. His voice carring anger which he tried his best to not show.

Yoongi looked at him and asked "Really Hyung?" Namjoon nodded his head while ruffling Yoongi's hairs.

"Yes bub. And about the test. I'll help you with the chapter. I'll teach and take one more test later. Is it okay with you?" Namjoon asked. Yoongi nodded his head this time with a small smile.

He stood up and hugged Namjoon wrapping his arms around Namjoon. Namjoon gladly responded back to his hug.

"Joonie.... mwe lowe you" Namjoon heard Yoongi saying. He broke the hug and looked at the burnette standing infront of him looking with cute eyes.

"Yoonie?" Namjoon asked to confirm if the later was in little space right now. His doubt was confirmed when the younger nodded his head.

"Aww, his bub. How are you?" Namjoon asked as he guided Yoong...opps... Yoonie to the couch. Yoonie looked at him and said "Mwe is fwine. How is you?"

"I am good too Bubba" he said ruffling his hairs a little. Yoonie giggled at the affection.
He laid his head on Namjoon's lap and started to blabber about something's which Namjoon listened carefully even tho he didn't understood half of it.

Suddenly Namjoon's mind was filled with a thought. "Jin Hyung told me, he slip when either he is too happy and excited or he too stressed. Considering the situation, he wasn't happy or excited..... oh god! Did this small talk stressed him this much for him to slip?"

"Poor soul, just a small conversation stressed him to the point that he has to slip in little space.... Aunt and Uncle's words must really hurt him. I gotta talk about this to Jin Hyung"

"But for now, let's spend some time with this cutie."

Namjoon thought while looking at Yoongi who was playing with the button of his coat still blabbering something's. A smile was plastered on Namjoon's face.

Hey Moonlights

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Hey Moonlights

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Words Count- 1065

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