part 1

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Author's pov

"JUNGKOOK" Said taehyung running through the hallway.
Now you must be thinking about what is happening here so let me tell you that jungkook stole taehyung's strawberries.

"No hyung you also stole my banana milk" Said jungkook running just to get bumped into a student.

"Oh I am really sorry I didn't see you" Said both of them at the same time. Then taehyung came there panting.

"Oh aren't you Min Y/n the popular girl at college?? " Said taehyung confused to see both of them staring at each other deeply.

"Tae let the love birds alone" Said jimin coming towards their direction. Then reality hit them.

"Huh?? " Said jungkook confused to see tae and jimin watching them lovingly.
"Guys what happened why are you staring at us wierdly? " Asked Y/n as she got confused because of the same reason.

Tae 's pov

I was running to catch jungkook as he stole my strawberries which i saved in my secret place. But suddenly he bumped into a girl. At first i didn't see her but when i got closer i saw that she was none other than Y/n. But i still asked her to be sure if it is her or not. When i didn't get any response i saw that both were having a deep eye contact . Then jimin came and told me to leave the love birds alone but jimin's words made them come back to reality. They were surely confused as we were staring at them lovingly.

Author's pov

"Our brother is in love" Said vmin dramatically.
But at the next moment they saw something unexpected.....................

So this is the first part and i will be trying to post everyday as i also have my pressure at school. And you guys will be getting short parts like this. Hope you enjoy👍👍💜💜

Mr. Biker J. JK FFWhere stories live. Discover now