Start from the beginning

"do we have a copycat out there?" Juniper said before realizing something and running out.

Billy realized something and ran too Stu ran after them they were in Stu's car and Stu hopped in the front.

"We have to go to the middle school my sister's there" Billy was screaming at Stu. "Benji's there too Step on it Stu!" Juniper yelled at Stu.

Stu sped to the school and saw cop cars as he pulled in, Benji and a girl that was around his age sat on the curb.

before Stu stopped the car Billy and Juniper lept out Juniper ran to Benji and grabbed onto his shoulders gently.

Billy ran to the girl and examined her arms legs and face Billy stopped when he saw a small slash on her forearm.

Juniper looked around at Benji arm's and legs and found a large slash on his entire arm that was already stitched. 

Juniper's phone rang and she picked up.


"Hello is this Juniper Gate?"


your brother was wounded in a-" 

Juniper hung up

Billy looked to Juniper and Juniper looked back they knew what happened this was about them.

"Chill June I'm fine it's not that big of a deal" Benji pushed Juniper away "Listen here we're going home we have something to talk about 

"Billy I'm fine no one was even hurt" "Millie this is bigger than you know and I'm pissed we couldn't protect you"

"we?" Millie asked and Billy pointed to Juniper "Juniper Gate you know Benji I can guess"

Stu ran over and took one look at Juniper and knew why they were attacked.

"you need to step back ma'am," An officer said looking at Juniper.

"Can it Dewey!" Stu yelled at the officer.

"Stuart Macher you need to respect the law" Dewey said putting on his sunglasses.

"I need you to respect that a lot of things are happening and theses kids need to go home Deputy" Stu said grabbing Juniper and Billy and going to his car.

Benji and Millie followed and hopped in the car. "No blood on the seats please Millie" Stu said speeding off.

Soon they arrived at Billy's house "why here?" Billy asked confused. "Closest" Stu hopped out and opened the door for Benji and Millie.

Soon they were sat at the kitchen table as Stu hung up jackets and cleaned.

"I need you to tell me exactly what happened" Juniper said staring at Benji.

Benji and Millie pov Benji pov


the bell rang and Benji walked to class with Milllie his best friend. as they talked Benji felt something was off but shrugged it off. 

soon they arrived in class and sat they opened their books for class and read.

as classes passed they talked and Benjis weird feeling kept growing the more it grew the more he pushed it down.

soon it was almost the end of 4th and Benji was getting bored he passed a note to Millie asking her to skip 5th.

he received a yes and when 4th ended he ducked into a bathroom with Millie and they hid in the stall and waited for the bell to ring.

They knew the older grades had lunch then so they could walk around.

As they whispered everything in Benji's body told him to leave the bathroom and run out of the school.

he ignored it but was prepared to run he didn't even take off his bag.

soon the bell rang and they got out of the stall and walked towards the door Benji tried opening it and couldn't.

Millie tried and got it but was pulled shut again by a gloved hand. Benji knew what his feeling was about and looked towards Millie who was gone.

he looked and saw her fighting a masked killer Benji ran and tackled the killer.

he punched the killer repeatedly until they were gasping. he was pulled back and another killer grabbed him and cut his arm long and deep.

the other killer was up and managed to slash Millie before Benji pushed them down and grabbed Millie and ran.

They ran to the nearest room and hid a class was going on but they didn't care Benji felt dizzy and saw his blood and he collapsed.

he awoke to Millie hugging him and a stitched arm.

Flash back over


Juniper and Billy exchanged a look they decided they had the right to know.

"About the killers you see um-" 

Billy cut in "it was us but not us but us we didn't attack you but we are the original killers you see revenge and-" 

Juniper interrupted "You were never supposed to be affected"

The kids were in shock.

"There two copy cat killers on the loose they're going after us through you and We're proud of you"

Stu ran to Millie with a first aid kit "come on Mills I gotta patch you up"

Stu finished and highfived Millie "lets see food then movie how about we teach you how to fight" 

"No! Stu you are not teaching them how to fight they arent going back to school until this is over end of story!" Billy said storming off to his room.

"he's mad you should go" Millie said "yeah lets not get him mad " Benji walked out to the car and Juniper followed and held Stu's hand.

they got in the car and Stu started the car "we need to go home Benji, Stu can you drop me at my house please." Stu nodded.

as they arrived Stu kissed Juniper's fore head and they hopped out and headed in.

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