Thunderhoof crashed onto his back, stunned on impact.

"I got him!"

"Alright, let's bag 'im and get going!"

"And how do you propose we do that?"

"We have a team on standby, kid. Try to pay attention during briefings."

"I just sent them a message, sir. Ten minutes."

Ten minutes, huh?

Thunderhoof assessed his situation. At least three unknown humans with a weapon capable of hurting a Cybertronian, quite possibly belonging to the group Bumblebee mentioned – he'll worry about that later. He needs to escape, first. The makeshift barrier is almost complete. The web of cracks in the ceiling above show that a well-placed strike will bring it all down. He spots a dislodged stone that will do the trick just ahead of him.

I can work with that.

"All I'm saying is..."

The argument ended there as Thunderhoof grabbed the stone and threw it, hitting its mark and breaking the ceiling. A large amount of rocks and gravel fell, completely sealing the humans off from their target.

"Well, could've gone worse," Thunderhoof said, panting. He hunched over and pressed a servo to his chassis.


The Cervicon recoiled. He forgot that's where the blast hit him. He looked down at the extensive burn, his plating cracked and sizzling.

"Okay, so the bug wasn't exaggerating. Good to know."

Gingerly draping an arm across his chassis to prevent further harm, Thunderhoof turned around and limped back to the Bunker.

– timeskip –



"Where did he go?"

"He didn't escape, did he?"

"Where to? Last I checked, no one reported a giant, blue, metal moose stomping around!"

"Everyone, calm down."

"Does anyone know where the sparkling is?"

"He probably took her when he left."

"Again, to where, exactly?"

"What if the sparkling wandered off and he had to go find her?"

"He doesn't strike me as the type to worry."

"He does. He just doesn't want to show it."

Everyone looked to Chief Burns, all expressing different levels of confusion.

"And how would you know?" Heatwave asked, quickly adding sir at the end.

"Because I talked to him, one-on-one," Chief Burns stated.


"Chief Burns, normally I wouldn't question your decision-making, however, was it wise to confront a Decepticon all by yourself?" Chase asked.

"I thought he would be more open to conversation if he didn't feel cornered, and I was right," Chief Burns explained.

"Meaning?" Heatwave questioned.

Chief Burns sighed and shook his head.

"Listen, I know that you see Thunderhoof as the enemy, and I know that will most likely never change, but if you take a moment to think about it, and I mean really think about it, you could understand how and why he decides to behave a certain way."

"Chief, I'm lost," Blades said.

"Yeah, me, too, dad," Kade said.

The other humans and bots – minus Heatwave – all agreed.

Chief Burns looked around at every single one of them and took a breath.

"If you were broken and alone and being confronted by your greatest enemy, how would you feel?"

The room was dead silent.

"I think I'd be scared," Boulder tentatively replied.

"Exactly," Chief Burns said. "He may not show it, but I know that Thunderhoof is scared."

"Or finding his situation extremely uncomfortable, at the very least," Graham added.

Chief Burns nodded, then turned to Heatwave.

"And don't even question his supposed lack of worry for the sparkling, because trust me, he does worry about her."

"I suppose he told you?" Heatwave questioned.

Chief Burns opened his mouth to respond, but was cut-off by the screeching sound of the emergency hatch leading to the tunnels opening. The Rescue Bots immediately ran in front of the humans, preparing their weapons – technically specialized tools – to attack and defend.

The hatch swings open, revealing Thunderhoof to be the one on the other side, covered antler to hoof in dirt. One arm is outstretched, supporting him against the wall, while the other is coddling his chassis. The Bunker fills with the scent of burnt metal and the sound of labored ventilation.

"Oh my Primus, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" Blades yelled.

"I'd say ask Bumblebee, but your pal ain't too keen on sharing everythin' with yous," Thunderhoof replied. He took a step forward and nearly collapsed.

"I've gotcha!" Boulder exclaimed, lunging forward with tremendous speed and arms outstretched to catch Thunderhoof...


Unfortunately, Boulder didn't know how bad the damage to Thunderhoof's chassis was, so when he touched it, Thunderhoof panicked and started cursing up a storm. The Rescue team was too stunned by the words flying out of his mouth to bother getting him to be quiet.

Eventually, Thunderhoof ran out of obscenities and calmed down.

"F...Frag, that hurts."

"I am so sorry," Boulder apologized, placing gentle servos on Thunderhoof's shoulders. He helped the Cervicon to sit upright, slowly, so as not to further irritate his wounds.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I just acted on instinct."

" 'S fine," Thunderhoof grunted, cycling through waves of pain at every little movement, no matter how careful he or Boulder were.

"Okay, I'll ask again. What happened?" Blades interjected, joining Thunderhoof and Boulder on the floor.

"Like I said, ask Bumblebee," Thunderhoof vented.

"But you just told us not to, did you not?" Chase asked.

"Only cause now he's got to tell ya the truth."

"How can we believe a word of what you say?" Heatwave questioned.

"If yous think I'm lying, then call Bumblebee."

Don't say I didn't warn you.

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