Shikyo's "mother" was a very strict woman who didn't like any activities that are made for "boys". One day, the woman slapped the child in the face because she didn't like the gift that she got from her. Her "mother" reminded her that girls like makeup, dresses & pretty dolls! Not skulls & piranhas, she said "You better become something great to repair all the things you done!" This made Shikyo grabbed the broken skull hair clip & ran out the door, her "mother' demand her to come back but she refused. Shikyo ran through the streets. She accidentally bumped into someone. When the person turns around, she immediately apologizes for bumping into them then suddenly she heard her "mother" behind her. The mysterious person dragged her into an alley way to keep herself hidden from his mother sight. That's when she met Rikora for the first time. He took her inside of his home & raised her, he was her freedom but she failed on him.

Skulls was once a young, vibrant spirit with a heart full of dreams & a mind full of curiosity as a child. But her life was far from perfect. Skulls' parents were very abusive & neglectful, constantly belittling her & tearing her down. One day, they wanted to go on a vacation, Skulls thought she was going but they laughed when she mentioned going with them. They had taken all the money they had & disappeared the next day, leaving Skulls alone & penniless. But despite the hardships she faced, Skulls refused to give up. With nowhere else to turn, Skulls began stealing food & money. After a couple of days of stealing & escaping. She found an orphanage in a latge forest on the outskirts of town, where a group of adoptive kids took her in & treated her like their own sister. They taught Skulls the value of hard work and kindness, & showed her that family wasn't always blood.

Kali used to be a kind and gentle soul, with a spirit as wild and free as the wind. But unfortunately, her parents did not share her same love for freedom. Kali's parents were very controlling & strict, determined to mold her into the perfect daughter they had always envisioned. They made all of her decisions for her, from what she wore to who she spoke to. And when they saw an opportunity to further their own agenda. This made her into an innocent child to a ruthless gothic young woman. One day, they decided to arrange a marriage for Kali with an older man from a wealthy family. Kali was devastated when she learned of her parents' plans. She knew she could never be happy with a man she did not love, especially one who was so much older than her. So, in the dead of night, Kali packed a small bag with her most cherished belongings and quietly slipped out of her window, leaving her oppressive home behind. With nothing but the clothes on her back & a determination burning in her heart, Kali set out on her own. She wandered through the forest, seeking refuge from the world that had turned against her. Along the way, she met kind strangers who offered her shelter and guidance, helping her to navigate the unknown path ahead.

Emerald had always known she was different. With her striking grayish emerald eyes that seemed to shimmer in the light, she stood out from the rest of her family. Her parents, struggling to make ends meet, saw her unique eyes as a potential source of income. One day, a wealthy & mysterious man approached Emerald's parents with an offer to buy her. He was captivated by her eyes and offered a large sum of money in exchange for her. Shocked and horrified, Emerald's parents saw this as an opportunity to escape their financial troubles. Emerald, however, was devastated. She refused to be treated like property to be bought and sold. Determined to escape this fate, she ran away from home in the dead of night, leaving behind everything she had ever known. Alone & scared, Emerald wandered the streets, unsure of where to go or who to trust. But deep down, she knew she had to keep running, keep fighting for her freedom. Along the way, she encountered kind children who were younger than her, they offered her shelter and protection.

She was the daughter of wealthy and influential parents who were known for their strict rules and entitled attitudes. From a young age, Chrysanthemum was expected to excel in everything she did, whether it be her studies, her hobbies, or her social connections. Despite the luxurious lifestyle she led, Chrysanthemum often felt trapped within the confines of her family's expectations. She longed for freedom, for the chance to explore the world beyond the gilded walls of her home. As she grew older, the pressure to conform only increased, until one day, she could take no more. In the dead of night, Chrysanthemum packed a bag with a few essentials & quietly slipped out of her room, without looking back. She knew that leaving would mean leaving behind all that she had ever known, but the call of adventure was too strong to ignore. With a determined heart and a resolute spirit, she set off into the unknown, her eyes set on the horizon. As days turned into weeks, Chrysanthemum faced hardships she had never imagined. She slept under the stars, relied on the kindness of strangers, and learned to fend for herself in a world that was far different from the one she had grown up in. But with each trial she faced, she also discovered a strength within herself that she had never known existed. Through it all, Chrysanthemum never once regretted her decision to leave. She found freedom in the vast expanse of the world, in the kindness of strangers, and in the power of her own determination. And as she traveled from place to place, she left a trail of blooming flowers in her wake, a reminder of the girl who had once been trapped but had now found her wings.

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