Season 1, Episode 1: Purr-fect Partners

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The episode starts at the Petropolis Art Museum; a pink-female haired tour guide and a yellow hair male tour guide is leading a crowd of visitors around

Female Tour Guide: And here's Petropolis Museum's most famous possession: the Kruger Rat.

Crowd: (in unison) Oooh!

Male Tour Guide: this is made of rare ratamantium, legend says that when the full moon hits its emerald eyes, they beam a hypnotic ray that controls the minds of rats. (wiggles fingers theatrically)

The window from the roof then break revealing the main antagonist Verminious Snaptrap

The window from the roof then break revealing the main antagonist Verminious Snaptrap

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Snaptrap: "Precisely why I'm STEEEEEEALING it!"

Blue Rabbit with Deep Voice: "Who are you?"

Verminious Snaptrap: "Who am I? Simply the most EEEEEVIL mind in all of Petropolis!"

Blue Elephant: "Oh you, uh, Dr. Destruction?"

Snaptrap: "What? No!"

Violet Hippo Lady: (excitedly) "Oh oh! You're the Kangarooster, the-the bouncing bird who lays the exploding eggs!"

Snaptrap: "(sighs) I'm Verminious Snaptrap! Dirty rat and leader of the (holds the D.O.O.M. sign to crowd) Diabolical Order of Mayhem!"

Crowd: (in unison) "Never heard of you."

Snaptrap: "Well, you will, for I will control Petropolis, now that I have the Kruger Rat!" knocks off glass case and steals Kruger Rat

Tour Guide: "Think again, Snaptrap!"

They rip off their disguise to reveal. They aren't a tour guide. They are Special T.U.F.F. Agent's Kitty Katswell and Y/n

 Agent's Kitty Katswell and Y/n

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Snaptrap: "Well... If it isn't Special T.U.F.F. Agent Kitty Katswell! *Look at Y/n in confusing* And who are you?"

Y/n: "I'm Y/n also a T.U.F.F. Agent."

Snaptrap: "Never heard of you." Y/n was then dumbfounded about Snaptrap not knowing him. Snaptrap then takes the sword from suit of rat armor "Ready to lose one of your, nine lives?!"

T.U.F.F. Puppy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now