Damien Knight

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As Winston drove towards my new school I stayed quiet silently admiring the beautiful city surrounding us through the tinted car window. I rolled down the window to get a better view, my gaze met glass towers that glistened like crystal shards in the shining sun. The streets were bustling, a cacophony of light chatter and laughter was audible wherever we drove.

Many individuals I spotted were dressed alike in black trousers or skirts paired with a white button-up shirt and simple black tie under a light grey blazer featuring black lapels and delicate blue accents along the lining.

"Hey Winston?" I called out towards the front of the car. Just a second later, "Yes, sir?" Winston responded.

"Do all these people in uniform go to Nexus Academy?" I asked, Winston, who had stopped at a red light. He looked to his side, out the window and then back to the road before responding, "Yes, sir I do believe they are all students of Nexus Academy." I felt my eyebrows raise slightly upon hearing his answer.

"There is more students than civilians.." I said aloud to myself garnering Winston's interest, his gaze shifted to the interior rear-view mirror for a moment, the confusion on his face was blatant. "Sir? Did you not know that this island was built primarily for the school and its students?" I slowly turned to look outside the window a new found shock and surprise brimming within myself.

'This island is man made!?" I thought to myself completely awestruck by the realisation of his statement. A flood of questions struck my mind as I begun to wonder what kind of school I was heading into. 'it must be pretty prestigious if they have a whole island." I thought to myself as I looked ahead of me to see a large structure blocked by an open gate.

On both sides of the entrance gate and road, pathways teemed with students heading towards what seemed to be the school. Lining the paths were numerous blooming pink cherry trees, their petals dancing elegantly in the air as a gentle breeze swept through.

Many students stopped to admire the car passing by, observing as it slowly drove into the school gates. The sight of so many students watching put pressure on me, but I was confident I would be okay. I may have been in a hospital for most, if not all my life but I wasn't going to let stupid social anxiety stop me from finally making friends who aren't hospital staff.

When the car parked, we were still surrounded and observed by many curious students. Winston appeared accustomed to the situation, effortlessly stepping out of the car and opening my door.

"If you're ready sir." He said with a deep bow as he stood opposite my door. Not wasting any time I quickly stood up out of the car and looked around me scanning the beautiful aesthetics of the school and even the marvelled students curiously surrounding me.

From the crowd of students I heard many curious voices.

'Hey? Does anyone have any Idea who that is?'

'Ugh.. why did we have to get some pompous ass rich kid...'

'I know right! Probably thinks he's cool coming to school in his fancy ass car.'

'He seems like a normal person to me.'

'Don't you think he's kinda hot though?'

The last voice cost me an array of death stares from the male portion of the crowd as I heard a majority of female voices agreeing with whoever said it.

A single clap followed by a deep voice of authority stating something I couldn't quite hear, the crowd surrounding us instantly dispersed. Whoever this person was, its obvious they have some sort of powerful standing at this school.

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