Gabriel & Micheal

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I slowly awoke from my nap, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and yawning. Feeling well-rested, I drew back the curtain surrounding the bed, and a flood of warm light gently caressed my face. Sitting in a chair next to my bed is Uriel, who closed the book she was reading and is now focused on me. Her expression is adorned with a warm smile.

"Good morning, Lord. Are you feeling a bit better now?" I took a deep, refreshing breath before nodding and speak, "I feel a thousand times better." She smiled, showing she was glad and then continued onto why she was here.

"I have brought your return to the attention of Gabriel and Micheal."

After my nap a lot more of my memories became present, in my past life I didn't do much. However, I did read a lot books and I thoroughly enjoyed mythology. If memories serves correctly, Micheal should be the angel of justice, or something along those lines. As for Gabriel? I think he was the messenger?

I feel like their was another Arch Angel though? Oh yes! Raphael! I think she's the healer and protector of Travellers.

"What about Raphael?" Uriel's eyes narrowed and she seemed a bit irritated. "Oh so you still remember her..." her voice carried disinterest, a tone she hadn't spoken to me with since I was reborn. "Too bad she couldn't make it.. She was sent on a mission to help the humans and make sure they're not doing any evil things."

'Something tells me she doesn't like Raphael? I wonder why..?' I thought to myself before quickly speaking to Uriel so she doesn't think I'm zoning out.

"I suppose my memories are just starting to come back, albeit slowly." I lied so she wasn't offended that I only remembered Raphael.

"So? When is the meeting with Gabriel and Micheal." Uriel didn't even think before responding, "Whenever you're ready?" My eyes widened slightly before returning to normal. "Have they been waiting a long time?" Uriel's face seemed to shift in realisation.

"Oh? If you're worried about their time. Simply, don't be." I tilted my head. "Why should I not care?" She laughed lightly while covering her mouth, "You're the most important person, remember? If anything this meeting would be wasting your time."

"Oh? I suppose so?" I scratched the back of my head, slightly embarrassed. "Shall we head to the meeting room then." Uriel spoke while gesturing to the door of my room.

I nodded, "I suppose we shall."

Uriel guided me through the celestial halls, their divine splendour still leaving me in awe. We journeyed towards the meeting room, located at the far end of a distant corridor in the silver castle's outermost reaches.

At the end of the corridor stood a grand black arched door. In contrast to the rest of the castle, constructed entirely of pure silver, this door was crafted from a material of absolute darkness.

"What's with the stark contrast?" Uriel look over her shoulder towards me and then turned around fully. "When you built this room I was also curious. All you said was that the material helped you focus more."

'If the material helped the previous owner of this body focus? Why is everything else bright silver..' I thought to my self as I watched the heavy door open inwards toward the room.

Uriel entered the room and I followed behind. The entire room was constructed from the same black material as the door, but there were also delicate white embroidery designs adorning the walls, casting just the right amount of light throughout the space.

The centre of the room featured a circular table crafted from a material akin to marble. Adorning the table's surface were masterfully-thin golden embroideries forming the emblem of a nine-pointed star.

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