Three - dinner

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Edwin pulls into the valet driveway for the restaurant and explains to a driver that offers to take his car that he's just dropping me off, "goodluck." He calls as I slide out of the car, "I'll need it." I huff but he just smiles at me reassuringly, "you'll be fine just have fun with it and remember they're just kids too." I try to smile back convincingly but I know he can tell how nervous I am, "Ok. I'll text you when we're finishing up, byeeee." I wave as I walk off and turn to watch the car leave, turning left onto the main street. My one chance to back out is gone. I step towards the double doors to the restaurant and take a deep breath to prepare myself, I step through the doors and scan the restaurant. I'm a little later than I was supposed to be, which isn't a great start but Edwin insisted on stopping to fill up on gas on the way here so the drive took longer than expected. I spot Aryan and Leah at a table with what looks to be their parents and some other less known characters actors I vaguely recognised with what also seemed to be parents. Fuck. I look around for a bathroom to slink off to but just as I start to walk away I hear a voice behind me, "Vega?" I turn to see Dior and Charlie walking just behind me, "That's me." I manage to croak out, forcing a smile. "Come one we'll walk with you, my moms too busy talking to some rando she apparently knows." I smile at her genuinely this time and nod, "thanks." Then I look towards Charlie and realize his parents aren't with him, "are your parents here somewhere?" I ask, seemingly scanning the room for his parents even though I have no idea what they look like, "nah i didn't want to disturb their evening." He shrugs and we start walking towards the table, Dior seems to notice me hesitate as we get nearer the table and grabs my wrist dragging me towards everyone. "Come on they aren't that scary," I don't say anything and just let myself be taken , Charlie following close behind me. We arrive at the table and say hi to everyone smiling and waving like old friends. I try my best to be friendly but my nerves are getting the best of me so I stay pretty quiet. I end up sitting next to Dior as she was the only person I was fairly comfortable with. My bag is sitting in my lap and I pull out my phone texting Edwin to let him know I'm doing ok and that I've met everyone. Rick is sitting at the head of the table and I send him a quick smile when we make brief eye contact. After a few minutes a waiter comes over but Rick lets him know not everyone is here yet and I realize there's two empty seats between me and Leah. Walker arrives moments later with his dad in tow, they take the seats next to me Walker taking the seat directly next to me and his dad next to Leah. "Sorry we're late I didn't realize how long the drive was," Walker's dad says addressing everyone at the table but his eyes pointing in the direction of Rick in particular. "We were fashionably late," Walker chimes in a cheeky smile pulling at his lips. I cast my eyes down to my lap fiddling with the strap on my handbag as everyone around me falls into conversation, eventually the waiter comes back and goes around the table taking orders from everyone before hurrying back to the kitchen. Conversations are starting up across the table when I feel a nudge in my ribs, turning to my right I meet Walker's gaze "where are your parents?" I can feel the blood rushing to my face as I struggle to come up with an excuse. "Uhm- just busy," I try to sound confident but it comes out as more of a question. "Too busy to miss this? Really? They must really care about you." He laughs at himself, I can tell by his tone that he's just joking around but it really hit deep. I turn my face away from him embarrassed and try to pretend nothing happened, I hear him scoff next to me "it was just a joke." I cross my arms over my chest turning back to face him "no one's laughing," I say with a straight face. "You're just upset that everyone else's parents care enough to show up when yours evidently didn't." He whisper shouts trying not to gain everyone else's attention, "my mom does care. You don't know anything," I scoff, rolling my eyes and diverting my gaze yet again. At this point I'm trying to hold back tears, getting angry at myself for letting him work me up. Dior turns to look at us noticing the tension in the air, her eyes meet mine and she furrows her brows together in confusion when she sees my upset expression. She leans towards my ear whispering "you good?" I smile "yep," she narrows her eyes at me trying to read me but ends up giving up. "Well, are you excited to start filming?" She tries to start up a conversation and I take the chance happily talking back and forth with her until the food arrives.

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