"Sit," he said as he walked over to the bigger chair across from the one he pointed to... I raised my eyebrow confused... I fiddled with the ring on my finger... I then walked to the chair and sat down. 

"Want to play?" he asks... I raised my eyebrow confused by this. "I have a job to do I thought..." I say with confusion... "Well, your job is to work for me... right now you are," he says. He grabbed cards and raised his eyebrow at me. "So~," he says with a cocky smirk.

I sigh and nod... It was better than washing tables I guess. "Want to bet?" he asks with the same smirk. "Bet what...?" I say...

"I will bet 10k and you will bet... Hmm your watch..." he says pointing to it... Oh, shoot. "Never mind I don't want to play..." I say. Quackity laughs and says "You have already agreed to this sweetheart..." 

I squint my eyes at him annoyed... "What's your watch even worth? A million bucks??" he says with a cocky tone to it... "I don't even know how to play cards!" I shout at him. "That sucks doesn't it?" he says.

I give him a death glare and he laughs. "Fine... It's a good thing I always carry Uno cards on me" he says taking out Uno cards. Where the hell did he get those from?

"You happy now?" he says raising his eyebrow with a smile. I sigh and he nods passing out the cards... If I lost this then... I would be caught...

(Time skip) 

I had won... I was so happy I was about to cry out in joy... I wasn't happy about winning the money. But my luck finally caught up to me. "Alright... You win" Quackity says with a frown.

I then went to thinking... I could ask to leave for a bit instead of the money... "Wait can I actually leave and come back instead of the money" I say. He looked at me skeptically... "Ok..." he says with a hesitant voice...

I wondered why he was so set on me not leaving... He seemed to not like that fact at all.

"Thanks," I say as my hand goes on the table pushing me up from the table. Quackity's eyes go from me to my hand... "How do you have that..." Quackity says which confuses me. I look at my hand and see my ring...

"It's mine..." I say touching the ring with my other hand. "Can I see it?" Quackity asks me for permission...  "No," I say quickly... I then turn around and walk away going to the exit... 

I then hear my name being shouted for the third time today. "Y/n!" I sigh and look towards where it came from... I saw Fundy walking towards me with someone else. "What?" I say with a tired voice.

"Pretty Lady meet Purpled, Purpled meet Pretty Lady," Fundy says. "Hi..." the guy named Purpled said. "Purpled was nervous to meet you," Fundy says. Purpled eyes widen and he looks to Fundy.

"Shut up!" Purpled said annoyed hitting him on the side. "hey now! Violence is not the answer!" Fundy shouts at him. I roll my eyes and turn around walking to the exit. "Wait, pretty lady!" Fundy says rushing to my side.

Purpled rushing to my other side. "Where are you going?" Fundy asks. "Somewhere..." I say opening the doors to the outside. They both still followed me. "Don't you have work to do?" I say annoyed.

"Well, Quackity let's us have our breaks..." Purpled says. huh? Why didn't Quackity let me leave before then? "Plus, we want to go with you," Fundy says with a smirk. "To annoy me..." I say with a groan.

This had made things more complicated... Now they would see my every move... "So how old are you?" Fundy asks. "An age," I say annoyed as I try walking faster. I then started hearing Purpled start whispering to Fundy and I heard nothing.

I eventually saw that they were now fighting and took that as a chance to run. I ran past some streets to lose them. I succeeded and smiled to myself... Now I must go back to the 'Richest' casino.

I walked down the streets looking behind me once in a while. I didn't want those two to follow me even if I had lost them.

I started seeing the casino in the distance. I wondered if it was opened today... As I got closer to the place I saw the lights on the inside were on. Also, there were zero people there.

Maybe they were about to open? I walked to the doors and tried getting in but the doors were locked. I groaned and started pounding on the doors. As I did I heard a shout "We're closed buddy!!" 

I then saw a young man come into view he unlocked the doors and looked at me annoyed. "We're closed get going," he said with an eye roll. I sighed and pushed past him into the casino. "Where is he?" I say and the young man looks confused.

"Your boss," I say giving more detail. "He's not here..." the young man replies. I knew he was lying because the next thing that happened was Bobby coming out. "Shit..." he says under his breath.

Bobby's eyes landed on me and he froze. "Y-y/n," Bobby said with a shaky voice. "I am not here to kill you, I need something," I say walking towards him. I heard the sigh of relief Bobby gave.

"W-what do you need?" he stuttered out, I saw him fix his posture a little. "Poison," I say as I scan him. "Oh... Why do you need that?" he asks curiously. "If I tell you, I will kill you," I say with venom which instantly makes him nod and motion for me to follow him.

He led me down a hallway to his office. He took out his keys with shaky hands and opened the door. He walked in and I followed short behind as he walked to a locked cabinet. He grabbed more keys and unlocked it.

He took out what looked like a vile and threw it to me. I caught it and looked at it. "That's it... Just add a single drop to whatever and it's poisoned" Bobby says. I nod and put it in my pocket. "Thanks," I say as I walk out of his office.

I walk down the hallway going right past the young man who lied to me. I walked to the doors and opened them leaving the place. Now I had the object to kill.

(Time skip)

I was now back at the 'Las Navedas' casino. I sighed and checked my pocket to ensure the poison remained. I saw it was still there.

I opened the doors to the casino and walked in. The first thing I saw was Fundy and Purpled. I then saw Charlie at the bar. I walked towards the bar and said to Charlie "Hey where is Quackity?"

Charlie looks at me with a smile. "He's in his office with a person," Charlie says. I raise my eyebrow a little and say "New person?" 

"Recruiting," Charlie says and I nod a little... "So, when will he come back out?" I ask and Charlie shrugs. "I don't know..." he says as turns around, grabs a rag, and starts wiping the counters. 

"Want me to help with anything?" I ask. Charlie looked at me and thought for a little. "Can you sweep for me?" he asks and I nod. He then pointed to a broom in a corner. I walked towards it and started sweeping. 

As I did I heard two pairs of footsteps. I looked towards where it was coming from. I then spotted Quackity and another person. The other person seemed to be around 6'0 feet tall. They had blonde hair and blue eyes... Wait...

"Ok! Everyone meet one of your new co-workers!" Quackity shouts out to all of us. My eyes went wide once I recognized this person... This was going to be a big problem. 


• Kill or be killed • Yandere Quackity X ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα