"now he's away from you...."

14 1 2

Note from me: I'm very very sorry I haven't been posting in a long time! I've been sick I've had school I've had to delete the app due to storage and I also have to think of a bunch of ideas for book 2 which will be pretty soon we are so close to being finished if you want to be included in book two here's what species of oc you can and cannot have

OP character
A giant type of species


There you have it now let's get into the is Part!

(⚠️⚠️TW: if you are sensitive to suicide acts please do not read this part!! Do not complain to me because of it please read this warning before reading ⚠️⚠️)

*One bang after another OJ Goes. Killing all those innocent wolves in one shot.... It's strange how he can be able to run a Hotel but he's only killing them to keep the Cherries safe...Even though they're not technically his children he wants to keep them safe because they're just kids who were abandoned after all...Paper tell OJ not to use violence on them because they might come back to him but OJ always thinks Papers trying to make rumors. at some part OJ rage out at Paper for it! it's not fun seeing all those innocent ghosts have to go to a more horrifying place where they have to experience the horrors of the Killer labs. Even subjects have to deal with them those 2 what they call "monsters" trap them inside cages to fight with each other to death Fan and Test Tube are the most coolest people you'll ever meet and I hope you understand that*

Sinaunang: clueless has been in that stupid mind of fans for 5 weeks now I don't even think he's going complete this mission...

Bot: I don't want him to I don't want him to get hurt

Bo: *cry's*

To: you guys are being overdramatic he's going to be fine *he actually was worried for him himself but he actually selfish person to try to make people push through that thought*

*Ask the day would go on Fan would complain and complain and complain Test Tube was getting sick and tired of it and told him to go buy/get some medicine or something but he's already tried everything and when lunch time came he had to try the one thing he hadn't*

Subject ???: hey green thing got any other than bread!

Test tube: first off my name's not green thing I've told you my name many times second of all...Fan always forces me to have bread out I can't give you anything else he'll probably beat me to death if I do...

Subject ???: I wish he did without you doing that

**Laughter from many subjects would fill the cafeteria**

Fan: ....
*He was holding the chainsaw in his hand Casey grip on it very tight his hands were trembling I said mine kept repeating with THAT WORD...*

Subject 678: (ignore me putting random numbers for subjects) *notice Fans behavior* uhhhh is the watermelon dude okay?

Subject 883: he's not a watermelon he's a—


*Fan would suddenly face make the chainsaw face his paper body (reminder they are objects not humans!!) Turn the chainsaw on....and*


*Screams and cries of horrified subjects would fill the cafeteria Test Tube went completely blank as she watched fan fall to the ground completely lifeless*

Test tube: ...

*Suddenly somebody would start the float out of Fan*

Clueless: there I told them I cou.....ld *he started to look around terrified subjects and emotionless Test tube would just stare at him*

Test tube: .... WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM *she suddenly cried out her tears flowing through her glass face and onto the ground*

Clueless: oh dude you must be the goblin I talk about— anyways the name is Clueless I made your husband kill himself!

Test tube: he isn't even my husband.... And I'm not a goblin he didn't deserve this!

Clueless: yes he did I did this to him to get him away from you... And now he's away from you...HAHA jackpot!

**Meanwhile Sinaunang, Bot, Bo and To watched with mixed emotions not wanting to know what would happen next**

Test tube: hah...well maybe I should give you what you deserve...*she then launched for the chainsaw held it up in the air and swing it at Clueless*


the Killer labs Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora