Scene 9: the abduction of helium and jenny.

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[in dressing room]
[sol ganna and Jenny caught by loan sharks]
[frank enters]
CHEVY: well well well, who do we have here? Are you here to save your girlfriends?
JENNY: I am not his girlfriend.
HELIUM: [camera on her but she says nothing]
ED: we're taking you to silver to initiate his master plan to-
[chevy steps on his foot]
CHEVY: shut up Ed.
ED: sorry boss.
FRANK: right, I suggest you let  them go or things are gonna get nasty. [ignites flame]
CHEVY: oh wow, you're the fire guy? How pathetic, with your silly little costume pretending that's going to fool everyone. Not a chance.
FRANK: well- well-
ED: nothing to say?
JENNY: I have something to say!  Let me and her go! She has a show to attend to and I was going to watch it! Can I have your autograph by the way! I am such a big fan!
HELIUM: y-yeah. Let's just get out of this first.
SHADOW: you let them go right now!
ED: boss?
CHEVY: yeah?
ED: maybe we should let them go..
CHEVY: haha, you think ima give up that easy? I have a trick up my sleeve [pours hydrofluoric acid on SHADOW]
SHADOW: Frank. Get them. [collapses]
FRANK: uh. [starts walking away]
CHEVY: not so fast! [forces helium to use powers]
[Frank flies and hits wall]
[black screen]
[15 minutes later]
SHADOW: [fading back voice] Frank...Frank? Oh my god I think he's dead..FRANK!!! [slaps him]
FRANK: [wakes up] owww! What the hell was that for?
SHADOW: to be honest, I thought you were dead so you can't blame me.
FRANK: true...but what did they do to your hand? It looks...rusted? [on floor]
SHADOW: hydrofluoric acid..don't worry I'll fix it soon. But we need to get Jenny and helium back before silver does horrible things to them.
FRANK: I wasn't worried...but ok. [on floor]
SHADOW: well what are you waiting for? I'll pack my stuff then we have to find silver and get those two back!
FRANK: agreed.
[black screen]
[20 minutes later]

fire for hire script Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora