Jeon Jungkook here
said another handsome guy from the same group

That Kim taehyung dude is so ho-

The girl at the back please introduce yourself
said miss Tesa looking at me

shit it's my turn

I stood up and managed to remove words from my mouth

Uhm.                   (i hate myself for this)
Evelyn Ha here

before i was about to sit

What was your name again? Evlame Haha?

she burst out laughing followed by a few more people

You should definitely go get your ears checked cuz I clearly said that it's Evelyn Ha

I replied annoyed and sat down

I hate the fact that I'm so bad with comebacks!!! i wish i could be like those cool girls in movies who stand up for themselves.

The girl just rolled her eyes and sat down.

After 2 more girls it was now that rude bitch's turn

Well hello everyone, I don't even know why am I introducing myself,half of the school knows me lmaooo. Anyways I'm Jennie Kim,the daughter of the CEO of Kim Enterprises.

what was it? Genieee from Aladin?  and why would she introduce her self by her dad's position 💀
I thought looking at that Gennie girl.

the lecture continued with me overthinking shit

After 4 lectures it was finally break timee

I reached the cafeteria where everyone was hanging out with their friends except me who was all alone

this is embarrassing but no-one gives a shit i guess.

I sat down with my tray of food when a group of 3 beautiful girls approached towards me.

Um heyy we saw u sitting alone and wanted to be friends
the tall one said with a awkward yet polite smile.

speak yn their fucking talking to you stop embarrassing yourself you piece of shi-

u mind if we sit here? with you?
the girl with the straight haired girl asked after noticing my long pause.

n-no no i would love to be friends with ya'll and yea sure ya'll can sit here

i replied in a hurry

why do i always fuck up?

they giggled probably at my stammering and sat beside me.

I'm Erica the tall one said
I'm Jisoo the one with straight brown hair said

and I'm Jiwoo the one who was silent the whole time said.

Yn here
Pleasure meeting ya'll lol

your new here right?  asked Jiwoo

yeah my family shifted here last week so I had to change schools mid term.
I replied


whats your next cla-


the whole cafeteria turned around at the voice including us.

It was that Geniee girl again.

She was standing infront of a girl who looked at the verge of crying with a fallen tray of food infront of her which i assume was thrown by Jeenie.

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