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This chapter was inspired by an Atsushi angst video I saw on yt, so here's the title : "An unknown number" || Bsd || GL2 || Atsushi angst, the creator is willow 

Happy reading! ^^

Atsushi was walking back to his dorm alone, it was dark out now as he had extra paperwork he had to finish. He was waiting at a crosswalk for the light to turn red so he could cross, when his phone dinged. He pulled his phone out to see who had texted him only to see an attachment from an unknown number. He clicked to open the contact, but once the image loaded, his phone shattered on the pavement of the road. The unknown number had sent a picture of a younger Atsushi with Shibusawa, before Atsushi had killed him. The Atsushi in the photo was smiling, oblivious to the man's true intentions. Atsushi used to think that Shibusawa might eventually adopt him, he had hoped so, that man had been the only one to show the boy any semblance of kindness.
Atsushi no longer stood and waited, his phone left smashed on the concrete, he ran to the agency's dorms.
The weretiger pounded on his mentor's door, hoping he was actually in his dorm for once, not caring that he could've woken the whole floor up with his pounding.
"Atsushi-kun? What do you need?-" Dazai was cut off by Atsushi frantically grabbing his shoulders, the boy's eyes were unfocused.
"Shibusawa's alive." The boy muttered, his eyes focused entirely on Dazai, yet not quite seeing him.
The brunette was confused, Dazai had made sure that Shibusawa was dead in their last encounter with him.
"That's not possible, Atsushi." Dazai said, calmly.
He didn't know what sort of history the weretiger and Shibusawa had, but Atsushi's reaction to this screamed 'not good'.
"H-he is. Dazai-san." Atsushi insisted, his eyes gleaming with worry.
"Did you see him?" Dazai replied, staying calm in an attempt to lessen the tigers' panic.
"No, but, Dazai-san-"
"Then you can't be certain. " Dazai cut the boy off to say, his tone leaving no room for arguments.
"You don't understand, Dazai-san. He texted me!" The boy cried out, more panicked. "I know it was him." He said a little quieter.
"How are you so certain?" Dazai questioned, growing slightly worried for the weretiger.
"It was a picture only he would have." Atsushi replied, his head facing down, and his hands off Dazai's shoulders, his body shaking with tremors.
"It was a picture of..?" Dazai let the question hang in the air between them, not rushing for an answer.
"Us." Atsushi spit out, "From when I was younger."
Dazai quirked an eyebrow at that, "You knew him when you were younger?"
"Yes!- but that doesn't matter right now! He's back, Dazai-san." Atsushi insisted.
Dazai sighed, "Atsushi-kun, he's gone. I made sure of it."
"T-then who would send me that picture?" The boy asked
"It could be anyone, my bet is Fyodor, he probably hoped for something like this to happen." Dazai explained, he also added "Sniving bastard." Under his breath.
Atsushi nodded meekly, his head finally clearing from the panic, and embarrassment settling in.
"I'm sorry for bothering you with this, Dazai-san." The boy muttered.
"It's fine, Atsushi-kun. You were just worried." Dazai assured, waving his apology off.
Dazai's face softened a bit, "Now why don't you go get some sleep, Atsushi-kun? We can talk more about it tomorrow."
Atsushi nodded his head and walked to his dorm room, shutting the door behind him.
Dazai was left leaning on his door frame before pushing himself off of it and sighing "Guess I should get some sleep. Whatever Atsushi-kuns gonna tell me isn't gonna be pretty." Another sigh, then he shut his door.
Atsushi arrived at the office at his normal time, seemingly unbothered, but many in the detective agency could see through his front. They could see how he tensed every time his phone screen lit up, how he watched people as though they were prey. Most ignored it, hoping he would trust them enough to tell them before it got too bad. Many had thought that someone from the mafia had gotten his number and was scaring him with threats, but Rampo knew. He had heard Atsushi's frantic pounding on Dazai's door last night, and had heard enough to know what had transpired.
"Be ready." Was all he said to Yosano when she had asked him if he knew what was going on with Atsushi.
After lunch, Atsushi had started to relax a bit, the number hadn't texted him anything else and he was safe within the agency building. Though Dazai's nonchalant staring began to put him more on edge that the unknown number.
"Why're you staring at me Dazai?" Atsushi asked when they were alone in the office for lunch.
"I'm worried about you, Atsushi," Dazai replied, his dramatic act sliding onto his face. "After your little psychotic break last night, I wondered what you would tell me today."
"Please don't call it that, Dazai, it was nothing but a bout of panic." Atsushi requested. "Psychotic breaks are worse than what happened to me last night."
"Speaking from experience, now are we?~" Dazai asked, with a playful tone to his voice. 
Atsushi's eyes widened before he turned back to his computer to continue working.
"You're just gonna ignore me, Atsushi! How could you!" The tiger's mentor shouted dramatically.
The weretiger continued to ignore the man and his theatrics, but then his phone lit up with another message, and against his better judgment, he opened it. A different photo greeted him, still him and Shibusawa, but now, the Atsushi in the picture was no longer smiling, nor oblivious to the man's true intentions. The boy was strapped into an electric chair, freshly electrocuted and on the verge of passing out, an IV sticking out of his arm to deliver nutrients, and occasionally, poisons. His breaths shortened as he stared, blank, and truly unseeing as his mind recounted his days of medical torture from the hands of satan himself. His mind numbly counted as Dazai paused in his outburst, noticing the boy's state, but he could do nothing to stop the man from worrying as his mind reeled violently between the past and the present.
"Atsushi-kun?" His mentor asked, chuckling humorlessly, "You good?"
The boy's breaths were still short, but they slowly calmed.
Things are different, I am no longer a child that has to beg for their life. I have a place here at the agency.
A foreign voice that sounded strangely like his own, whispered in his ear "For now."
"I'm fine, Dazai-san." The boy replied, his voice oddly steady for someone who was just panicking.
"Atsushi." The brunette said, making the boy turn and look at him, phone still in hand and opened to the photo. "Could you tell me what happened?"
"What do you mean Dazai-san?" Atsushi asked, his whole body tense.
"You've had two panic attacks in less than 24 hours because of the same person, Atsushi-kun. What did he do to you?" Dazai questioned, his face caring, worried.
"It's nothing, Dazai-san, I just need to get over it." Atsushi replied.
"Atsushi. Tell me," The brunette was about to add 'please', but the tiger responded before he could.
"Yes sir." The boy replied, his eyes misty and his body tense, almost expecting Dazai to hit his trembling form.
"Atsushi-kun, I'm sorry." Dazai said instinctively.
"There's nothing for you to be sorry about, Dazai-san, you were trying to help." Atsushi responded after a moment, his eyes no longer looking at Dazai and his body still shaking.
"You don't have to tell me. I can wait until you're ready." Dazai said, his hand slowly reaching out to pat Atsushi's head.
Atsushi watched it and flinched once it was on his hand, but relaxed a bit when it just started petting him.
They sat there for a moment like that, Dazai just petting Atsushi's head in silence.
"Do you really want to know?" Atsushi asked, breaking their silence.
Dazai nodded. "Lunch is almost over, but we can use one of the meeting rooms. No one will bother us, and no one else will know."
"Okay." Atsushi's voice was quiet.
Dazai got up and offered Atsushi a hand, which the boy took hesitantly. The brunette led the way to the meeting room, the boy following after him, phone in hand.
"Where do you wanna sit, Atsushi-kun? And how do you want the lights?" Dazai asked, being uncharacteristically kind to the boy.
"um, keep the lights on, and can we sit in the corner?" Atsushi replied.
"Of course!" Dazai responded, already turning the lights on.
They sat next to each other in silence for a while, Atsushi just leaning on Dazai.
Atsushi eventually handed Dazai his phone, opened to the second picture.
"I'm sure you can deduce some from that photo alone." Dazai nodded, a grim expression on his face. "But there's more."
The boy took a deep breath. "Shibusawa experimented on me. He wanted my ability, but first, he had to know what it did, why it was special. He cut off limbs, injected me with poisons, among other things. That picture was after he electrocuted me, hence the electric chair. He found out that the electric chair could help separate me from my ability, so that wasn't the last time I was in it."
Dazai nodded solemnly, wondering how the boy still had such a strong will to live after going through so much.
"Dazai-san." the boy spoke up.
"What is it, Atsushi-kun?" Dazai questioned.
The boy's eyes started to tear up, "Y-you know how he asked if I was going to kill him again?"
Dazai nodded, opting to stay silent.
"I killed him, Dazai-san." The boy's voice wavered, "I killed him."
Dazai looked at the boy, stunned, but not entirely surprised.
"You did what you had to do to survive." Dazai replied, wrapping his arm around Atsushi to pull him closer.
"B-but I still killed him, Dazai!" Atsushi shouted through his tears.
Dazai shushed the crying boy that was curled to his side, "It's alright, Atsushi-kun."
"No it's not!" The boy grabbed Dazai's collar roughly and shook him a bit, "I killed someone! How is that okay?"
Dazai cupped Atsushi's cheek and wiped his tears away with his thumb, maintaining eye contact with the tiger. The boy crumpled against him again, hands still clenched to his collar, his face pressed to Dazai's chest.
An hour later, when Kunikida came to look for them, he walked in on Atsushi asleep on Dazai's lap with Dazai playing with his hair. When Dazai noticed the blonde, he brought a finger up to his lips to convey silence. Kunikida only nodded in response and closed the door, flipping the sign so no one would bother them. 

So this one has been in the works forever and I just finished it during a hold lol :p
Anyways, hope u have a nice day/night!

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