An unexpected encounter (1)

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AU where the headmaster doesn't get hit by a truck and makes it to the Agency to see sweet like Atsushi. :)

It was a normal day in the agency, Atsushi and Kunikida were working at their desks, Dazai was sleeping on the couch, Kyouka and Kenji had been sent on a mission, and the Tanizaki siblings were at school. Atsushi was just finishing a report when Kunikida got off the phone and walked towards the door.
"The cafe downstairs said that there's someone here to ask us about a person they've been looking for, said they saw him in a newspaper and know he's around here somewhere. He'll be coming up in a minute." Kunikida sighed, this man having messed up his schedule.
Atsushi noticed Kunikida's annoyance, and being the little people pleaser he is, offered to greet the man instead, Kunikida agreed, deciding Atsushi needed more experience anyway. Atsushi opened the door and made it about half way down the stairs before the agency heard a sharp gasp and he came running back up them and slammed the door behind him. Atsushi slowly slid down the door, crying and hands reaching into his hair to pull on it. The agency was stunned, but Kunikida quickly went over to Atsushi to help him calm down while calling for Yasano, who was in her office. Kunikida bent down in front of Atsushi so that the boy could see him. Atsushi had his eyes closed tight and he was crying while shaking his head and saying "not here. Why are you here? How did you find me?" His voice trailed off and only a broken sob left his mouth after that. Kunikida was unsure of what to do as he had never seen the weretiger like this before, and he didn't know enough of the kid's past to know if touching him would make him worse. Thankfully, Yasano had already rushed over and was staring at Atsushi.
"He's having a panic attack, and I'd say from the way his eyes are unfocused that he can't exactly see us." She turned to Kunikida "Do you know what caused this?"
Kunikida shook his head "He went downstairs to meet a client when he came rushing back up them and collapsed like this."
Yasano hummed in acknowledgement as she was still looking at Atsushi. "We should probably get him to my office so I can try to calm him down."
"Are you sure we can touch him?" Kunikida asked, worried for Atsushi's and their safety.
Yasano sighed "I'm not sure, we don't know what exactly triggered this but he's hurting himself. I can't let it continue." Yasano got up swiftly, "watch him, don't touch him, I'm gonna go get a sedative so he can calm down."
"Alright." Kunikida said, deeply worried about his coworker.
Yasano quickly returned with the sedative and injected it into Atsushi's arm, which he flinched away from and cried harder at the sight of. Atsushi passed out soon after, Kunikida carrying him to Yasano's office and setting him on a bed.
"How long will he be out?"
"I don't know." Yasano replied, a solemn and guilty look on her face "His ability could affect the way his body handles sedatives, but it should be less than a couple hours."
Kunikida sharply nodded and walked out of Yasano's office before calling the cafe to tell them that they aren't taking clients at the moment and that he can come back tomorrow. Before returning to work, Kunikida also woke Dazai up and filled him in, to which the brunette had a serious look on his face, obviously lost in thought after Kunikida told him about Atsushi's reaction to the man downstairs.
"Did you go down to look at the man?" Dazai had asked after some thought.
"No. Atsushi was blocking the door and I was busy trying to help him." Kunikida replied, still typing away on his keyboard.
"You think he's still down there?"
Kunikida sighed, "I don't know, Dazai, didn't bother asking."
"Okay!" Dazai said, faked happiness creeping into his voice. "I'm gonna go check and maybe have a little chat with him."
Before Kunikida could voice his objection, Dazai was already out the door. Dazai made his way down the stairs and asked the women at the counter if the man asking for the ADA was still there, he was. He sat at a table in the corner, the one closest to the stairs up to the agency. Dazai quickly sat down across from him, startling the man. Dazai introduced himself and asked the man some questions.
"So~, who's this person we're looking for? Do you have a picture?"
The man nodded and slipped a piece of a newspaper article towards Dazai, and the picture circled was a picture of Atsushi from one of their missions.
"I think I've seen him walking the streets around here before." Dazai said, noticing the man perk up "We should have him tracked down by tomorrow evening. Though if you don't mind, who is he to you?"
"He was at the orphanage I manage, he ran away a couple of months ago and we've been looking for him ever since."
"Oh, I see. We'll have him tracked down in no time, just come by tomorrow afternoon." Dazai said before getting up 'So' Dazai thought 'That's the headmaster I've heard so much about from sweet little Atsushi-kun.' Dazai ran up the stairs and glared at the man one last time before stepping back into the agency. Dazai made a bee-line to Yasano's office, opened her door and stepped inside.
"I know what caused the panic attack." Yasano was startled by the sudden voice behind her.
"What was it?" She asked hesitantly, still keeping her eyes trained on Atsushi.
"The client was Atsushi's orphanage headmaster." Dazai spat out, malice lacing his words.
Yasano's eyes widened in shock, a realization hitting her. "So that's what he ment." she mumbled.
Dazai hummed in understanding, guessing that Atsushi had said something that gave it away.
"Just what did that man do to you?" Yasano asked quietly, holding Atsushi's hand between her own. Dazai walked over and put a hand on her shoulder to offer a little comfort.
*~magical timeskip to an hour later~*
Atsushi woke up on a bed in Yasano's office, he couldn't remember much of what had happened, just that he was going downstairs to meet a client. His eyes were hurting because of the bright lights, so he moved his arm to cover them. Atsushi laid there like that for a couple of minutes, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness and the fog in his mind disappear. He heard the tell tale clicks on the floor that meant Yasano was approaching. Atsushi was nervous to say the least, he had no clue why he was in here and he didn't want to become a burden to the agency.
Yasano opened the curtain to Atsushi's bed and said gently "How do you feel?"
Atsushi was confused for a second, he had expected to be met with anger for being useless or weak, not kindness and worry.
"Better?" Atsushi said, slowly and quietly. "Why am I in here?" he asked, looking at Yasano.
Yasano's face softened, and she sat on the side of his bed so that she was next to him. She sighed, then said "You went downstairs to meet a client, right?" Atsushi nodded, and she continued, "The client you were supposed to meet was your orphanage headmaster." Atsushi's eyes widened in shock and his heart started racing.
"He didn't see me, right? He's not here to get me, is he?" Atsushi asked, tears beginning to stream down his face.
"It's alright, Atsushi. Breathe. He didn't see you, he has no clue you're here."
Atsushi nodded, tears still flowing as he tried to calm down.
"Is it alright if I hug you, Atsushi?" Yasano asked, softly.
Atsushi was confused for a moment, but nodded after a bit of hesitation. Yasano quickly pulled the boy into her arms and began to stroke his hair in an attempt to calm him down. Atsushi nuzzled his face into her shoulder, his breathing slowly returning to normal as he was calmed by the doctor's presence.
Atsushi was still in Yasano's arms when she grabbed his shoulders and lifted him so he could see her face "What did that man do to you, Atsushi?" She asked, her voice breaking in the middle of the question.
Atsushi just shook his head, not wanting to think or talk about it right now. Yasano sighed and nodded her head back before pulling him back into the hug.

A/N - Look! Fluff! Yay! Anyway, I might make a part two where Atsushi does tell Yasano what happened at the orphanage but idk. Kinda just wrote this as a spur of the moment thing.
Update: Part two is underway! It's gonna take awhile tho cause it's gonna be really long(it's currently 1,446 words and I haven't covered anything in my very rough storyline for part 2-). So in the meantime you can go read my BSD x MHA fic! :D it updates biweekly and is alot more thought out than this one.
P.s. yes, that was a shameless self plug , sue me.
Word count : 1421

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