I'd Rather Be...

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Vol14 of the promised Neverland can set itself on fire<3


I woke up early today and made my way to the studio. Valentino was still asleep as I got dressed into some clothes. Kitty rolled into my room as I spun around and placed a finger over my lips, "keep quiet." I whispered, "don't say anything Kitty. Please."

Kitty gives me a silent solute before rolling away as I let out a breath. I finished up getting dressed as I rushed out of the penthouse and to the elevator. I pressed the elevator button and waited.

Yesterday Angel Dust told me that he wanted to speak with me about something important. I've tried my hardest to distance myself from him after what Valentino said, but it was a lot harder than I expected.

The doors opened as I saw Oliver, he seemed surprised to see me at such an hour. "Y/N..?" He asked with a yawn, "what are you doing up so early?"

I stepped inside the elevator and pressed the button that would send me to the studio. The doors shut as I spoke up, "I'm meeting up with Angel. He told me there was something important he wanted to talk about."

Another hard thing was to ignore Oliver, so whenever Valentino wasn't with me I'd talk to him and any other time I'd keep my mouth shut.

"He did..?" Oliver lets out an 'oh', "that's why Angel was up so early. I just thought Valentino asked to see him in the studio for something. But I guess I haven't seen Valentino either.."

The doors opened as I thanked Oliver and waved goodbye. I made my way down the hall and opened the door to see Angel Dust in the middle of the room with a nervous look. His eyes widened when he saw me as he rushed over, "thank god you're here!"

"What was so important that you made me sneak out?" I asked, "Kitty could bust me any second now!"

Angel Dust nods and takes a breath, "right. Okay, uh," he runs a hand through his hair fluff, "I met these two girls yesterday. One of them was named Charlie and the other...fuck, what was her name?" He thinks it over for a moment before screaming, "vagina!"

I stood there in confusion, "what..? I doubt that's her name."

He shrugs, "it doesn't matter. Listen, those two bitches told me about a rehabilitation center for damned souls. They told me I could get into Heaven if I went and they wanted me to be their first patron."

I cross my arms, "what did you tell them?"

"They gave a shit ton of cash and I agreed to it, but what if I'm messing up?" Angel Dust asks, "I don't want Valentino to find out and then he kill me."

I smile. "I could go with you," I offer. "I think that's a good idea, and I know for a fact there's some sinners down here that were judged unfairly."

"Like you?" Angel Dust suggests.

I pause as I stare at him for a moment, I hesitated for a second before nodding. "Yeah...like me."

He smiles, "then this is a good idea for the both of us!"

I frown, "it is and I'd love to, but Valentino owns my soul regardless if I'm outside the studio or not and he's becoming more strict with me. Hell, me sneaking out to talk to you right now is enough for him to punish me...it's just too risky for me. Angel Dust's eyes soften, "I'm sorry."

He shakes his head, "it's fine. You gotta do what will keep ya alive when around him and down here in general. But hey, maybe you can come visit?"

"Visit...?" I ask, "what do you—?"

He smiles, "I'm moving out. I sent Charlie a text this morning about it, even though she hasn't responded yet. I need to get out of here."

I frown, escape. I smile, "you do. You've been here longer than I have. You've been trapped for longer than I have. I'll totally come and visit though, what's the place called?"

He shrugs, "fuck if I know. I don't remember." Angel Dust notices my fake frown but doesn't say anything, he was scared to say something.

"I-I should get going," I say as I point at the doors behind me, "there's no telling when Valentino will wake up." I turn around and make my way toward the doors, "good luck out there Angel."

I open the door as Angel Dust calls out to me, "you'll escape this hell. I know you will." I paused in my tracks, "one day Valentino will let you go."

I felt tears prick my eyes as I glanced back at him with glassy eyes and a smile, "but not today."

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