''The Smartworld'' 8

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The car moved off the road. After a few minutes and 10 kilometers, UWS activated an emergency warning on all devices:
- Warning! You are leaving the safe zone. You are strongly advised to turn back, for your own safety. Otherwise, according to protocol, I am not responsible for the safety and security of your life.
And in a moment:
- UMS module disabled. Network search....
- I would encourage you to turn off your DATa's. They're gonna be screaming the whole way. - recommended the driver.
The girls looked at each other:
- Do they turn off? - They asked in unison, not hiding their surprise.
The guy in the driver's seat smiled and clarified:
- Didn't you know? You guys! Take off your gadgets. - The girls obediently took off their transceivers.
- Now, on the back, look for a small red dot. Pinch it with your finger until you hear a distinctive signal.
The girls followed the young man's instructions and after a minute all the devices played a short farewell tune and were successfully disconnected.
- Is this your first time at such an event? - tried to make conversation driver.
- Yes, - Deborah answered timidly. The farther they drove away from the city, the less she was sure it was a good idea.
- Don't worry about it! Parties like this are normal. They're only thrown because of the entourage.
- Are you a frequent guest of such parties? - Carol asked incredulously.
- Me? No! I'm a small man. They don't let people like that in. It's my job to bring them in and take them out. Don't be so nervous! It's nothing special. It's just a little more freedom. If you don't like something, you don't try it or you don't do it. It's pretty simple. The party ends Monday morning. If you don't like it at all, you find the host and tell him. He'll call you a car and you can go home tomorrow morning.
- How will we know who he is?
- He'll be there to greet you. You'll be given old-style communication devices. Remember, UWS is not compatible with them. He'll also add you to his temporary group for emergencies. There are several handlers. You only go to your own. It's no big deal. Oh, here we are. We got here pretty fast, don't you think?
The car pulled up in front of the cottage. Deborah and Carol gasped in amazement. For Meribel, the house was more a reminder of her past world, the kind the rich of that world had built for themselves.
- The pompous ostentatiousness of the past. - said the young man who had approached them, as if voicing Belle's thoughts:
- I am Marcus, your mentor in this celebration of freedom and life. Here are your devices - and the young man held out smartphones to the girls. Deborah and Carol looked curiously at the devices in their hands.
- It looked like a home panel. Only much smaller. - Deborah marveled.
Meanwhile, Meribel unconsciously, out of habit, switched on her phone and began flipping through the screens, studying the contents, which attracted the curator's attention:
- Have you come across devices like this anywhere before?
- Oh, no, not at all! - The girl hastened to object - Never. And where would you have? She said that it looks like a home panel, so I..... Excuse me, did I click somewhere wrong? - Meribel's a fool.
- No, you didn't. You did exactly the opposite. You did the right thing. So , girls, press this button on the side......
Belle didn't really listen to what the curator was saying. She already knew how to use both the device and the programs installed in it.
- Well, that's about it. My number's in messenger. If anything happens, contact with me. Welcome to our private party! Let fun and permissiveness reign! - Marcus said solemnly and made a graceful curtsy, pointing his hand in the direction of the house.
The girls entered the building. On the first floor, in the middle of an unforgivably large hallway, a disco ball was attached to the ceiling, which glowed all the colors of the rainbow reflecting the rays of laser and cheap light music. In the center, modern people were "partying" under the clubby music of the past. A little further, at the wall, there was a bar with all kinds of drinks. That's where the girls went.
- What's the price? - Carole began pathetically.
- Is this your first time here? - The bartender asked with a smile.
- Is it obvious? - Deborah mumbled uncertainly.
- You asked about the cost of alcohol. It, like everything here, is already included in the price of a ticket. So enjoy yourself and don't worry about a thing. Now, what can I get you ladies?
Carole grabbed her friends under the arms and dragged them to a remote corner where there were fewer people and, pulling them as close as possible, turned to Deborah:
- How much is this going to cost us, Debbie?
Deborah stared at her friend incomprehensibly:
- I have no idea what he's talking about! That woman was afraid I'd leak the video of her and my father, so she suggested it. How was I supposed to know if she didn't say anything? Just that she'd arranged it with her brother and I had nothing to worry about. I guess she's got more than one fool like my father. So she got cold feet.
- Oh, well. - Then we have to make the most of this party. - and she dragged her friends back to the bar:
- "Let's get some goodies!
- You got it! - said the ever-smiling bartender and started making shots.
Meribel tried to give up alcohol a couple of times, but it was an impossible task for her to argue with these two. After a few hours of almost continuous drinking, Belle became very bad and she covered herself by going to the toilet and escaped to the street, where she sat down on the ground, presumably (judging by the smell) against a wet wall and managed to fall asleep. She woke up a few hours later to strange noises above her head. When she opened her eyes, she saw a man actively jerking off on her.

- Oh, you awake? Why don't you give me a hand? It's not very good to do it myself.
The girl tore her gaze away from his cock and looked at the man and successfully vomited all the drink she'd had for the evening right onto his dignity.
- What the fuck?!!!? - The man was outraged.
He looked from the spattered cock to the girl and back again for a few seconds. Meanwhile, Meribel staggered to her feet, wiped her mouth, smirked and said snidely:
- Well, I helped as much as I could. If you want a refill, you're welcome to it. - And having patted on the shoulder of the priggish man, she waddled slowly into the house, looking for her friends.
Not finding them in the hall, on the recommendation of the bartender, followed to the pool where, based on what was going on, a water orgy was planned. The girl was about to leave, but saw Carol in the epicenter of the plexus of many bodies.
- Carol, come out for a moment, please! - Shouted Meribel, but the girl didn't hear her:
- KEROL!!!! AUUUUU!!!! KEROL, FUCK YOU!!!!- yelled Belle at the top of her voice.
Kerol, breaking away from the passionate kiss, smiled at her friend:
- Oh, Belly-ly, come join us! We're having fun.
- No, thanks. Can you come out for a minute?
- Why? Why don't you join us?
At that moment, a pair of hands came out of the pool and dragged the girl into the pool:
-What the fuck! - Meribel was indignant - I wasn't going to swim today!
- And we are not swimming - whispered a voice in her ear and Belle felt something hard against her side. "That's a lot of naked dicks per square meter. What kind of party is this?!?!?" Indignantly thought to herself and with the most disgruntled face began to get out of the pool.
- Oh, come on! Let's have fun. - The same voice continued to whisper, preventing Meribel from getting out of the water.
The girl, barely suppressing another attack of nausea, grabbed the insolent man's bottom with a dead grip, causing him to make a very funny and very loud sound, which could not help but amuse the others. The girl hardly got out of the pool and went to the house to look for her second friend. After looking in a couple of rooms she froze in front of the stairs to the second floor: "Maybe it's no use.... Nobody was looking for me. I'm sick of it! It's a sexdrome, not a party! I want to go home...." Belle remembered about her cell phone. But as expected, neither the device nor her purse was anywhere to be found. She went outside and started kicking the wall:
- What the hell!!!? Dragged me to who knows where and dumped me! What the fuck!!! What am I supposed to do here!?!!? What the fuck is going on here?!
-Hey, I'm sorry, are you okay? - Meribel heard a concerned voice behind her.
- Does it look like it?
- Uh, if you don't like it here, text your handler, he'll help.
- I lost my phone.... - cried the girl, and with hope in her voice asked:
- And you can't write to him?
- Sorry, there are strict rules here. And the staff doesn't have handlers. I'm sorry. You don't look so good. Hold on a second. - and the guy went through his pockets and pulled out a bag of pills and handed one to the girl:
- "Here, drink this. It's a stabilizer.
- No, thanks, I'm good. And I've had a ton of booze.
- Well, one can't hurt the other. I can tell you've had a lot too much to drink. If you don't stabilize now, it's gonna be worse tomorrow. So don't mind. - and the guy confidently put the pill in the girl's hand.
Meribel, not thinking long, took away a glass of wine or champagne from a passing girl and drank the pill. Afterwards, she decided to return to the sodoma's house and once again try to find a phone to contact the curator. Only, neither Belle nor the boy knew that he had mixed up the stabilizer with a powerful stimulant, which they were instructed to distribute to all comers on request....

Meribel     Lost Among the WorldsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora