Chapter 8

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August 20, 2023, Switzerland

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August 20, 2023, Switzerland

Mick's POV

I parked my Mercedes in the empty parking lot, turning off the engine and grabbing the backpack from the passenger seat before closing the door behind me.

I entered the rink and it was empty except for a figure skillfully skating across the ice.

She always comes here to train when she doesn't feel like going to the gym or going for a run so I knew she has much more practice than me. We used to come here often, she taught me how to skate but once my schedule became busier we preferred to make other types of plans.

The plan was something simple, none of us wanted to go to a place that would attract attention or plan anything extravagant. An afternoon at the ice rink and a dinner at my house, we had made this plan countless times before. Perhaps I chose this to feel the familiarity of it all and take some of the expectations from it, or maybe I just knew this plan would make her happy and that was my only goal.

I approach the railing and rest my forearms on the cold metal, she has not yet noticed my presence, some headphones covering her ears shielding her from all the outside noise.

I knew she was going to be here early, it's what she always does when she's nervous, she probably arrived an hour ago because she couldn't stand being locked up at home anymore.

It took her a moment to realize my presence, as she saw me she lowered her headphones to rest on her shoulders and a smile appeared on her face lighting up the whole room.

"Hey! Sorry, time flew by I didn't hear you come in" She apologized.

"How have you gotten here? I haven't seen your car in the parking lot" I ask once she's closer to me.

She rests her hands on the railing, a red tint on her cheeks from the cold of the track.

"I walked here, knew you would bring yours" She explained.

I leaned towards her over the railing and like a reflex she moved away, a slight frown forming on my face when I realized her somewhat alarmed expression.

"There's no one here Nora" I say, looking around the empty rink.

"Sorry, it's just..."

"I know" I rest one of my hands on hers on the railing in a comforting way "I know, don't worry"

"I don't want them picking apart our relationship when not even we have found a balance, it's too soon for them to have an opinion on something we haven't even had time to enjoy yet" And I know she's not just talking about the press but about everyone, my family, our friends...her family too.

All I Ask ~ Mick Schumacher Where stories live. Discover now