Chapter 2

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August 7, 2023, Paris

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August 7, 2023, Paris

Nora's POV

I was dragging a suitcase through the airport hallways while holding the phone to my ear with my free hand.

A pair of sunglasses rested on my nose, partly to protect my eyes from the sun once I get outside and partly to try not to show that I had barely slept at all in the last twenty-four hours.

"You're coming right?" Gina Schumacher, in her usual lively and sometimes too enthusiastic self asked me.

"I still don't know, I have a shoot and-" I tried to explain but was interrupted by my friend.


"Gina come on, I know you're eager but let me at least finish don't you think?" I laughed.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you couldn't come in the last two years and Mick came here with his ex and you know I hated her. This year I need some girl time with someone who is not mum" She groaned while I reached the exit, looking now for an available taxi.

I found a car that could take me and greeted the driver, quickly giving him my hotel name before answering my friend "Come on, she wasn't that bad"

"She hated your guts, trash talked about you behind Mick's back the whole time they were here last year. And she thought I would agree with her? I would have told Mick but he was faster, broke up with her as soon as they landed home" The confession surprised me, it's not like I had created a friendship with Mick's ex but I always tried to be nice to Lotte.

"Wait, really? What did I even do to her?" I asked confused.

The German sighed on the other end of the line as if it were the simplest answer in the world "Maybe being much more intelligent, prettier and nicer than her, she must have felt threatened"

"Now you are speaking out of hatred, she was cute" I defend her. She was a stunning girl, tall, blonde and with beautiful green eyes, she had nothing to envy.

"Have you seen yourself? Believe me, she felt threatened. Anyways when is that damn shoot and when can I be expecting you with a full Sangria jug?"

"This weekend in Paris, I could be there on Monday, then I have a free week until my next job" I explained after checking my schedule.

"I'm messaging Anna as we speak, she's already buying you the plane tickets, apparently your only real break since your birthday was Lewis's wedding?" I sighed in the back of the taxi, of course she had to talk to my manager.

"Well, it's been some busy weeks" I justify.

But that didn't seem excuse enough to the German "Your birthday was in February babe, it's been rather some busy months, it will do you well, Mick misses you like crazy, mum too"

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