Chapter Four

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"ARE YOU INSANE?!" Zuko yelled flaring his arms pacing back and forth.

They were far from the ship now as they were in the forest near a river bank as Estella was laying on the grass staring up at the sky.

She couldn't comprehend what happened herself as Zuko was scolding her she's never been a bender, she's normal and ordinary besides her excellent throwing skills. She closed her eyes tires of hearing Zuko.

"Zuko, give it a rest will you Nephew? Estella is completely fine,"


"But you have to admit I was able to redirect lightning, and Zuzu that's not normal,"

"Maybe we should explore that, I will have to teach you maybe your bending came late,"

"I'm royalty  uncle but not fire nation royalty to where bending powers was passed down to me, and I thought those who only know how to bend lightning can control where it goes?"

"This is true, but you seem to have a rare case, maybe protecting Zuko is what lead you to do that, you wanted to protect his life and that made you channel the lightning to go another direction," Iroh explained as Zuko sighed and sat next to Estella on the ground.

"You know I scold you because I love you right?" Zuko asks her attention away from Iroh as Estella nodded. 

"I know and I love you too but, I hope you know I wasn't paying much attention to what you were saying," She said with a giggle as Zuko rolled his eyes before standing up as he pulled out a small knife. 

Estella tilted her head when he cut off his pony tail. 

"Hey! What are you doing Zuzu?" Estella asks as he handed the knife to Iroh who too cut a piece of his hair. 

Zuko went over to Estella dagger in hand as he held it out for her. 

"Our nation rejects us, and were now wanted fugitives, please Estella its tradition for the fire nation to cut off their hair once the nation rejects you,"

She sighed before nodding understanding as she got up and went towards the river bank. She took a deep breath before cutting half of her hair off as it was down to her back now reached her shoulders. The three then stood together as they placed the hair into the bank as it floated down the river bank. 


Its been a couple of months now, Zuko has black hair coming out of his head, Estella now has red highlights on her head and uncle Iroh was still the same. 

"Again!" Iroh yelled out to Estella as she took a deep breath before getting into her fighting stance and tried fire bending, but nothing happened..... again. 

"UGHH! I Give up Uncle! That was a one time thing! I don't have fire bending powers, I can't control lightning! I can't even protect THE MAN I LOVE! I CANT DO ANYTHING BUT THROW SOME SILLY KNIVES UNCLE!" Estella snapped as Uncle Iroh had a surprised look on his face. 

"I wouldn't say so Estella," He said causing Estella to look down to see blue flames coming out of her hands. 

For a moment she stood there shocked before letting out a scream as she waved her hands in the air only causing fireballs to come out. 

"ESTELLA!" Zuko yells coming out of the bushes. 

He watched in awe as he saw his fiancé panicking and throwing blue flames everywhere. The initial shock was over as he runs to her and grabs her wrists as she stared wide eyed into Zuko's eyes. 

"I-I-I don't know how to stop it! Zuzu!" 

"Hey, Hey, its okay..... Take a deep breath and look me in the eyes," Zuko instructed as she took a deep breath and looked at Zuko in the eyes. "There see, there gone," He says smiling as she looked down to see that they were indeed gone. 

"Zuzu, whats happening to me?" Estella cried jumping onto Zuko as he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

"Your.... Evolving, becoming stronger, and maybe thoughts of me being in danger is filling it,"

"You think so?" She sniffed before letting him go as he nodded his head and wiped the tears away. 

He gave her a smile before turning to Iroh sighing. 

"I didn't find anything to eat uncle, I can't live like this! I wasn't meant to be a fugitive," Zuko says as he makes sure Estella is away from him before he raises fists in the air and yells at the sky. "This is impossible!  Uncle, what are you doing?" He asks as Iroh was now looking at a flower as Estella and Zuko appeared behind him to look at it. 

"You're looking at the rare white dragon bush. Its leaves make a tea so delicious, it's heartbreaking. That, or it's the white jade, which is poisonous," Uncle said causing Estella to giggle and Zuko to roll his eyes. 

"We need food, not tea. I'm going fishing. Estella your coming with me," Zuko says grabbing Estella by the hand. 

"H-Hey! Wait Zuzu! Uncle I wouldn't take that flower thing if I were you! Zuko wait someone has to watch out for Iroh!"

"Your spending too much time with him, spend some time with your future king," Zuko says causing Estella's expression to soften. 

All he wanted was some time with her, these last couple of months have been nothing but practicing form intakes, and better fighting skills, and of course bending which she hasn't been able to do until today that is. 

"Your Right Zuzu, race you there!" She said kicking Zuko's behind as he crashed to the ground causing her to laugh as she ran ahead of him. 

Zuko began steaming in the ears before getting up. 

"GET BACK HERE ESTELLA!" Zuko yelled chasing after her causing Estella to squeal as she let out a huge laugh.

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