Chapter Three

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The entire night consisted of silently crying. Estella couldn't believe what Zuko had said to her his words echoing her ears. She was turned over and away from Zuko, he was sleeping peacefully until he rolled over placing his arms around Estella.

"Estella are you awake?" He asks causing her to grip onto the bed sheets tighter. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for what I said earlier, I don't deserve you but I love you and can't ever let you go. My Comment about you being a traitor or me rather marrying Mai none of it was true," he says as Estella could hear his voice cracking.

He was fixing to cry as sniffling was heard behind her.

"I love you, please forgive me Estella, I promise never to hurt you with such words again, I just.... I was angry that you sided with Iroh and knowing how much it means for us to go home," he cries pulling her in closer to him as she could feel the wet tear stains on her back.

"Zuzu," she said causing him to stop crying as she placed a hand on top of his. "I forgive you Zuzu, but if you pull a comment like that again at me it's over,"

"I understand my Queen I will never ever say those words to you again, are you coming with me back home?"

She turned to face Zuko a smile on her face.

"Yeah, home sounds good," she said causing Zuko to lean down and kiss her on the lips passionately.


The next morning Zuko and Estella were holding hands walking down the steps with bags in their other hand. The two were smiling and giggling with each other, happy that they get to go home and get married. 

"Hold on you two! Don't leave without me!" Uncle Iroh said racing down the steps. 

"Uncle! You decided to come!" 

"Were so glad your here," Both Estella and Zuko said together simultaneously. 

"I couldn't leave my nephew and my niece in law behind now can I?" He asked causing Estella to giggle. 

"Uncle, were not even married yet,"

"But its coming, so I have a right to call you my Niece in law,"

She shook her head with a smile on her face as the three now resumed going to Azula's ship. Once they approach the ship, Azula was standing quietly on top of a ramp leading up to the ship. Royal Procession guards stand on either side of them as they walk, forming an aisle. Iroh averts his eyes suspiciously between the guards. They reach the ship and bow; the guards behind them walk forward and close the aisle. 

"Brother! Uncle! And my new sister in law! Welcome, I'm so glad you three could make it,"

"Yes, and as soon as we reach course for home, please prepare the wedding preparations for me and my fiancé," He said as Azula was seen fake smiling at him. 

"Of course brother, and congratulations to you both," Azula says slightly bowing as she sent a glare Estella's way. 

No way in hell was she going to be apart of the family, that title belonged to Mai and she was going to make sure of that. 

"Are we ready to depart your highness?" The captain asked standing next to Azula. 

"Set our course for home captain! We have a wedding to prepare!" Azula sweetly says as Zuko smiled. 

"Home, Estella were going home," He said suddenly picking her up as she laughed when he spun her around before placing her down. 

"Zuzu, what was that for?" She laughs shaking her head. 

"Because as soon as I get home, I'm marrying the world's most beautiful girl," he said causing her to giggle, ignoring the fact that Azula was staring at them. 

She was coming up with a separation plan, in her head, unaware that Iroh was staring at her suspiciously. She almost stared blankly at the couple as they were talking about wedding plans. She could always fake Estella's death, have Zuko believe she had died and move on with Mai while she's locked up forever in the cell. Azula's thoughts were interrupted when the captain spoke up. 

"You heard the princess! Raise the anchors! We're taking the prisoners home!" He shouted as Azula's eyes as well as the Captain's eyes widened as he said prisoners. "Your highness I-" The captain said nervously as he saw her expression turned into rage. 

Zuko's eyes widened as Iroh and Estella looked to the guards that were on the left and right side of them. Iroh slowly nodded his head towards her before moving his eyes to the left and suddenly begins attacking the guards. He pushes them off the edge of the walkway and sends fire blasts their way. Meanwhile Estella took out the guards in the right dodging the oncoming fire attacks as she pulled out her throwing knives and threw three head on at the guards as they fell backwards off the boat. 

"ESTELLA BEHIND YOU!" Iroh shouted as he was busy taking care of a couple more soldiers. 

Estella didn't have to turn around to throw a knife right into the soldiers chest as he fell to the ground bleeding out. Estella looked up to see Zuko throwing the captain off the ramp into Azula's face. 

"YOU LIED TO ME!" Zuko shouted angry as fire came from his hands. 

"Like I've never done that before," She said with a smug smile on her face. 

She turns her back to him and walks away, as two guards standing near her shoot fire blasts at Zuko. Zuko crosses his arms and spreads them outward, deflecting the attacks and shouts as he charges onto the ship. Zuko then leaps onto the deck of the ship and blasts the two guards off the ship with two fire blasts. He lands on deck. Azula is standing patiently several feet away, her back turned to him. Azula smirks at Zuko, who clenches his fists and prepares fire daggers. 

"UNCLE IM RUNNING OUT OF KNIVES!" Estella yells as she dodged another set of oncoming soldiers who were trying to burn her. 

"ZUKO LETS GO!" Iroh yelled as Estella kicked a few guards away from her. 

He hurls the guard over the edge and steps to the side to avoid another guard's attack and push him aside. Estella looks up to Zuko, who charges at Azula with fire daggers. Zuko then attempts to strike at Azula, only for the princess to acutely dodge all of his blows. She smirks at her brother.  Zuko keeps attacking and Azula keeps avoiding. Zuko brings down his right hand to land another blow, however, Azula manages to push him away.

"You know, Father blames Uncle for the loss of the North Pole. And he considers you a miserable failure for not finding the Avatar!" Azula yells  to Zuko, who is panting heavily.  "Why would he want you back home, except to lock you up where you can no longer embarrass him?"

Zuko conjures up two fire daggers again. He leaps into the air and sends a powerful fire blast at Azula using his foot. She jumps and lands safely on the deck several feet away. Zuko charges at her as she rises to her feet. After dodging several more attacks, she manages to scrape his forehead with her fingernails, leaving three scratch marks on his temple. Zuko falls back a few feet from the impact and yells as he charges at her again.

"ZUZU!" Estella who was watching the fight yells out worriedly at him. 

This causes Azula to smile as the two continue to duel, eventually making their way up a stairway that leads to the central control area of the ship where Iroh and Estella were. Azula manages grab hold of Zuko's arm. A few seconds pause as the two stand silently, Zuko widening his eyes in alarm.  Azula knocks him to his feet with a blue fire blast. Zuko lands roughly at the bottom of the stairwell.  Azula, who moves both her arms in a circular motion, generating lightning. Readying the attack and firing the bolt at her brother. 

"NO ZUZU!" Estella yells running to where the two were. 

"ESTELLA NO!" Zuko yells as Estella reaches them and grabs onto Azula's hand ignoring the shock feeling she was getting as Azula's eyes widened when she redirected the lighting causing it to strike a far-off cliff side. 

Azula and Estella were both glaring at each other, smoking and panting, however Iroh comes in and bends her downward and kicks her off the ship causing her to land in the water below as Zuko, Iroh, and Estella ran away from the ship.

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