Chapter Two

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"Azula I would advise if you leave Estella out of this," Iroh said to her seeing the heartbroken face on Estella.

"Why? She needs to know the truth, Mai and Zuko were always meant to be, not Estella and Zuko, doesn't even have the same ring to it, anyways I still haven't heard my thank you. I'm not a messenger. I didn't have to come all this way," She said her conversation back on Zuko. 

"Father regrets? He ... wants me back?" Zuko asks a surprised look on his face. 

"Zuzu-" Estella tried but Azula cut her off. 

"I can see you need time to take this in. I'll come to call on you tomorrow. Good evening," Azula says before taking her leave but not before sparing Estella one last glance with a smirk on her face. 

"I need some air," Estella says before leaving  the group. 

She was out at the beach, her arms rested on top of her knees as her head was buried between her legs, tears fresh down in her face. She hadn't want to go back home for that very reason...... If Zuko decides to go back then she would have lost him forever. 

Mai did have Zuko first and no doubt will try to regain his love for her and undoing everything Estella has built for them. What is Estella without Zuko? If he were to leave..... If he wanted her sister.... Maybe that's why he asked her to marry him? Is that why he asked her to be his girlfriend because if he couldn't have Mai, he would have the next best thing which was Estella. 

"The ocean waves are calm at this hour," The sound of Uncle Iroh was heard as Estella busted out crying even more. 

Iroh sighed before sitting down next to her as he wrapped an arm around her pulling her closer. 

"Is this about what Azula said?" He asked as without lifting her head she nodded. "Look Estella, you and Zuko have been through so much over the years, If I learned anything about my Nephew is that he truly does love you and only you. He wouldn't throw away everything you both worked so hard for, for your sister, even when he was younger it was all about you and not Mai. Azula is creating fear and doubt in your head, you must not take any advice from her, believe in whats inside of your heart," Iroh finished as Estella sniffed before finally lifting her head from her legs and smiling at Iroh. 

"Thank you Uncle, you always know what to say,"

"Of course, and you know I consider you as my Niece in law already, I've always rooted for the both of you," Iroh said causing Estella to giggle. 


Estella and Iroh walked back in the place as it was nearing nightfall to see Zuko packing with a happy smile on his face. 

"We're going home! After three long years, it's unbelievable! Estella we can get married at the palace!" Zuko said packing things away. 

"It is unbelievable. I have never known my brother to regret anything,"

"Yeah Zuko, doesn't this all sound a bit suspicious to you?" Estella chimed in. 

"I thought you of all people would be happy for me, for us, did either of you listen to Azula? Father's realized how important family is to him! He cares about me!" Zuko spat as Estella's heart began breaking in two. 

"I care about you! Estella cares about you! And if Ozai wants you back, well, I think it may not be for the reasons you imagine!" Iroh shouted back his arms moving up and down to prove a point. 

"You don't know how my father feels about me. You don't know anything!" Zuko yells turning his back on Iroh. 

"Zuko listen to him! Iroh knows what he's talking about he's just trying to protect you, we both are! This isn't a good idea,"

"Listen to her Zuko, I only meant that in our family, things are not always what they seem," Iroh tries to explain. 

"I think you are exactly what you seem! A lazy, mistrustful, shallow old man who's always been jealous of his brother! AND YOU! WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE ON MY SIDE BETRAYED ME! MAYBE I WILL MARRY MAI INSTEAD OF A TRAITOR LIKE YOU!" He shouted walking away as Iroh was sad and Estella busted out crying once more. 

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