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   Riptide flew as fast as he could, rain pelting his wings. He had to get there fast, or he would miss it! He flapped faster and headed east. The cave was in near sight when he pulled into a dive. He flew into the cave's entrance, landed, and ran into the room.

"Riptide!" Shouted Belladonna "You were almost la-"

"Hurry, hurry, hurry," Interrupted the voice of Celadon, as he dragged him into the circle of 4 other dragons. "or you're gonna miss it!"

"OK, OK. I'm coming!" He yelped

Belladonna murmured something under her breath like "Should have said that 15 minutes ago"

He looked around the circle to see everyone else was already present. Ember sat in the left corner, she was snorting smoke and letting flame seep from her partly open jaws. Strike was beside Ember and she was watching the fire from Ember cautiously.  Copper stood in the center as he shook his clattering wings. Beside copper Irises looked as if he was going to explode with joy. The two dragonlings walked up and sat beside Irises as Belladonna followed behind. The whole wyng sat together, and looked in front of them. A small cluster of 7 eggs, their eggs, the eggs that were supposed to save Drakem, sat before them. Then Strikes egg twitched and she stood up quickly, accidentally knocking Ember in the face with her wings. Hatchlings have the best chance of survival if they're parent helps them escape the shell. Strike gently poked her talon into the top of the egg to weaken the shell. She continued helping the hatchling out of the egg, and then suddenly all the eggs started cracking. Riptide ran forward to help his egg and before he knew it, a small female hatchling sat in his talons, squawking gently. 

"Uhh....Celadon?" said Copper, who had a drake with matching scales in his talons.

"Hm?" He replied

"Is it just me, or is you're egg getting brighter? Also why aren't you helping it?"

"Prism Wing eggs start white, and get more colorful closer to hatching. We also leave our eggs immediately after laying them, so the hatchling inside uses its powers to break the shell itself." 

Suddenly, the room flashed white, and a small wyrmling sat in the nest. It had blue eyes, and a matching blue tail tip. Celadon went over and picked up his hatchling, then came back to sit with the rest of them.

"Alright," announced Ember as she set her hatchling on the floor. "Time to start the naming."

So they all set their hatchlings down in the order of Seed Wing, Poison Wing, Razor Wing, Thunder Wing, Flame Wing, Water Wing, and Prism Wing, from left to right.

"I'm naming him Clove" Announced Irises

"Nettle" Spoke Belladonna 

Copper hummed for a moment before saying "It'll be Cobalt"

Strike tilted her head at her son before speaking "How about... Static" She said as he made electricity buzz between his short horns.

Ember let flames lick around her snout as her son tried to copy, only producing a short burst of flame "Inferno" 

Finally it was his turn and he froze. What would he name her? Something simple? After a plant or an animal? He thought hard for a minute or two before announcing "Jelly Fish! No, wait...um Trout."

Belladonna snorted at him before Celadon immediately announced his daughter was to be named "Azul"

Their joy was short lived though, as ten black dragons marched into the cave. There was no warning, no "Surrender peacefully and no one gets hurt", not even a single word. "The Chosen" just charged into the cave and went for the hatchlings.

"NO!" Roared Copper as a dragon charged at his son. Copper slammed into the black dragon and sent his body with a crack into the cave wall. 

Riptide watched as similar things happened all around the cave. Riptide knew what he had to do. He gathered up the abandoned hatchlings from the floor, and set them into the nest. He waited for everyone to be distracted, then set off through the opening in the cave ceiling. When he reached the cool outside air, he dove down towards the river. He set the nest into the river, and pushed it off gently. Then he ran back to the cave to join the fight.

Word Count: 704 

A/N:  Thank you for reading the first chapter! if you have any ideas, suggestions, or questions, please comment them. Thank you! And while you wait for the next chapter, check out my other books, "His Clown" and "A Warrior Cats Tail"!

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