"Ehh, Ry, your hair is really long when it's let down." His voice had a hint of flirtatious mirth. I look up at my friend, seeing his bright, awkward smile and tilted fedora.

Despite the heaviness weighing on my heart, Australia's presence brings a flicker of warmth to my otherwise somber mood. His carefree demeanor and playful banter offer a brief respite from the turmoil within, reminding me of simpler times before everything changed.

"Thanks, Aussie," I reply with a faint smile, mustering the strength to appreciate his attempt at levity. "I've been meaning to cut it, but you know how it is."

Australia chuckles, his eyes crinkling at the corners with genuine amusement. "Yeah, I guess I do. But hey, long hair suits you. You look..." He pauses, struggling to find words. "You look stunning."

His words elicit a soft chuckle from me, a brief moment of lightness amidst the darkness that threatens to consume me. With Australia by my side, I feel a glimmer of hope stirring within, a reminder that even in the midst of despair, there are still reasons to smile.

"Thanks, Aussie," I say again, sincerity lacing my words. "It means a lot."

As we make our way through the bustling courtyard, I find myself grateful for Australia's unwavering friendship, a beacon of light guiding me through the shadows. And though the road ahead may be fraught with challenges, I know that with friends like him by my side, I am not alone in facing whatever lies ahead.

"Ry, what's wrong?" Australia suddenly asks. "There is this hollowness in your eyes...I hate it."

A hand rubs my eye as I stare deeply into Australia's eyes. "If I tell you, do you promise to keep it a secret?" I grip his shoulders, slightly shaking the boy. Australia nods.

"Rip my heart, hope to cry, lodge a bullet into my eye." He uses our special swear–one we'd used as young children all those years ago.

Taking a deep breath, I gather the courage to confide in Australia, knowing he deserves to hear the truth, even if it means confronting the painful reality of America's actions.

"It's about America," I begin, my voice barely above a whisper. "Something...happened."

As I recount the events of the previous day, Australia listens intently, his expression shifting from concern to disbelief, then to anger. With each word, the weight on my shoulders feels a little lighter.

When I finish speaking, Australia's jaw clenches, his fists tightening at his sides. "That bastard," he mutters through gritted teeth. "I can't believe my own brother would do something like that to you, Ry."

His fierce determination fills me with a sense of gratitude and reassurance, knowing that I have someone in my corner willing to stand up for me against even the most formidable adversaries. With Australia's unwavering support, I feel a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, a reminder that I am not alone in facing my struggles.

"Thank you, Australia," I say, my voice choked with emotion. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Australia pulls me into a tight hug, his warmth enveloping me like a protective shield. "You don't have to go through this alone, Ry," he murmurs against my ear. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what. We'll get through this together."

The hug lasts for a long, long time. It feels as if a candle flickered within me. Australia pulls back slightly, his tone gentle. "Please don't tell me you relapsed into cutting." His gaze darts to the cuffs of my sleeves.

Feeling a pang of guilt at Australia's concern, I shake my head slowly, trying to reassure him. "No, no, it's not that," I reply, pulling my sleeves down instinctively to hide the bandaged wrists. "I... I just couldn't bear the pain anymore, and I needed some way to cope."

The Girl by the Sea (Countryhumans AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu