PART III: Chapter 1 - Incredible News

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"I need you to promise that you won't tell anyone about this," Serena tells her brother.

"About what?"

"Just promise!"

"Okay, I promise. Whatever it is, I won't tell anyone."

"Okay." She takes a deep breath. "I was at Nolyn's house and I found out I can control the air."

Rakon looks at her with his eyes and mouth wide open and stays like that for a couple seconds, not saying anything.

"Are you sure about that? Like absolutely 100% sure?" he asks Serena.

"I am. I mean, there's no other explanation for what happened."

"Show me."


"Show me what you can do. I want to see it. Let's go to the Air Room."

Serena doesn't want to be seen entering the Air Room because that alone can make people suspicious about her, but Rakon assures her no one will see them if they are very careful. So, they go there.

The Air Room is very bright because it's lined with glass in three of the four walls. The wall that isn't lined with glass is painted in white and has cabinets full of objects that can be used to practice.

Controlling the air in a room where people can see her from the outside is out of the question for Serena, so Rakon and her close the blinds of all the windows.

"We need to make this fast because dad can come in here," Serena says.

"Oh, come on, dad barely practices anymore. He's too good, he doesn't need to practice," Rakon tells her.

"Everyone needs to practice, Rakon. Even dad."

"Whatever you say..."

"And besides that, I need to go to my coronation rehearsal."

"Fine, then start doing something."

Serena walks to the cabinets and grabs a big black cube, which she brings to the center of the room. She stands in front of it and focuses.

"So, earlier I just moved my arm and a vase flew to the wall," she says.

She stretches her arm out, in the direction of the cube and closes her eyes for a couple seconds as she takes a few deep breaths. Then, she starts moving her arm up slowly and the cube follows her movement.

"Oh my God, you can really do it!" Rakon sounds surprised.

"Did you think I was lying?"

"I thought you were mistaken somehow."

Serena guides the cube in the direction of the cabinets and it gets back to its place.

"I wasn't," she tells her brother. "I'm no longer that insecure little girl that doesn't believe she's strong."

"Well, maybe you should be. You'd be safer. You're an Omni-Elemental, Serena!"

"Shut up! You promised you wouldn't tell anyone."

"And I won't. I would never do something to put you in danger like that."

"That wouldn't just put me in danger, that would be my death sentence."

"I know, I know. But you don't have to worry about me, I won't say anything."

"Thank you." She says and hugs Rakon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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