Chapter 156 - Xia Zhiyun dug Ziyou's grave

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Chapter 156 -  Xia Zhiyun dug Ziyou's grave

  Xia Zhiyun's eyes narrowed, "Aren't you staying at the bottom of the cliff until the search and rescue work is completed?"


  "Then you didn't go see Ziyou when you found him?"

  Xia Shaoze's Adam's apple rolled a few times, and he said with some difficulty, "I... was found by Chief Ji's people. Because they said at the time... I was bitten to a high degree of damage, especially... I... ...Then he was wrapped up and carried away by Chief Ji. After returning to the imperial capital, the Ji family showed him the date again, and then he was cremated and buried in a hurry."

  Xia Shaoze lowered his head apologetically, feeling ashamed for his timidity.

  "So, none of you have actually seen Ziyou's body?" Xia Zhiyun suddenly stood up, his heart beating violently.

  "Ziyou may not be dead." Xia Zhiyun said in a trembling voice.

  "Ah? What..."

  Xia Zhiyun rushed out of the room and hurried towards Ding Qing's room.

  Xia Zhiyun never understood the huge difference in the attitudes of the Ji family before and after. In the beginning, you used your power and connections at all costs, and then ended up perfunctory? Just when he thought that this friendship was about to end, the other party came to help at the critical moment.

  Assuming that Ling Ziyou was not dead at all and was taken away by the Ji family, then all this would make sense.

  Xia Zhiyun ran to Ding Qing's floor and slowed down.

  Outside Ding Qing's room, there were two bodyguards guarding the door. One on the left and one on the right were apparently waiting for instructions. In fact, both sides understood that they were just to prevent the other party from escaping.

  Xia Zhiyun took a deep breath, suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and walked slowly over.

  When the bodyguard saw Xia Zhiyun coming, he said respectfully, "Boss!"

  "You're not in any mood, are you?" Xia Zhiyun stared at the closed door and calmed down.

  "No. Miss Ding didn't ask for anything after entering the house. Don't worry, boss, we've been guarding the door and she can't leave."

  "Open the door."


  Xia Zhiyun felt that he was really stupid, why didn't he recognize it?

  He used his smart eyes to distinguish Ling Ziyou in this life from his previous life, but now he doesn't dare to recognize him because of simple makeup skills?

  The bodyguard opened the door, and Xia Zhiyun walked in with anxiety.

  Unfortunately, the room was empty.

  The windows of the room are wide open, which means that people have escaped through the windows long ago, and this is the fourth floor!

  The bodyguard's face turned pale instantly, "I'm sorry, boss, we didn't expect..."

  Xia Zhiyun stared at the lawn downstairs, not knowing whether to laugh or be angry.

  Fourth floor? Does the fact that he was able to escape safely from such a high place just prove that even if he jumped from the cliff, he was still sure of his escape?

  Xia Shaoze chased into the room and asked urgently, "Zhiyun, what did you mean when you said Ziyou was not dead? Why...are you in Miss Ding's room?"

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